Mohammad Shiraz, a six-year-old boy from Pakistan who became famous on social media with his vlogs, recently announced his departure. His “last vlog”, shared five days ago on YouTube, left fans stunned and concerned. He had said that he is putting a stop on making vlogs as his father wants to focus on his study. Now, Shiraz’s father Mohammad Taqi has disclosed that the fame the young boy got online started to affect Shiraz’s life, which is why he decided to prioritise his son’s health and childhood over stardom.
“Shiraz had a simple life, he used to speak to people nicely. But the fame had its side effects. He stopped talking to people nicely, or mingling with them. So, I thought I should bring back that old Shiraz,” Mr Taqi said in the video uploaded on the boy’s channel. It is gaining traction on the platform, having amassed nearly 7.5 lakh views.
“The second reason was he was losing interest in studies,” he added. Shiraz’s father, however, said he is grateful Allah blessed his son and he received so much love online.
Mr Taqi has received praise online for choosing his son’s health over fame and money.
“He isn’t raising a celebrity he is raising a human,” one user said on Instagram. “Thank you for protecting your child,” said another.
“This is called loving your children’s future more than money,” a third user commented.
Shiraz became famous after sharing videos about his family, daily life and neighbourhood updates. In his emotional “last vlog”, he explained the break and took his viewers on a tour of his village.
“Main aaj se vlog nahi banaunga. Mere abbu ne bola hai aap kuch din padhai karo aur video nahi banaao (I will not make vlogs now onwards. My father has asked me to study and not make videos for now),” the boy said.
He also took viewers on a tour of his village Khaplu, which is surrounded by snowy mountains. Shiraz’s YouTube channel has 1.57 million followers.
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Vikram Sharma is a globe-trotting journalist with a global perspective on international events. His articles offer readers a global perspective on international events, exploring complex geopolitical issues and providing insights into the world’s most pressing challenges.