It’s been earlier reported that the shooting of Superstar Rajinikanth and star director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s highly-anticipated gangster drama, Coolie, has been underway in Vizag for the past few days. Rajini and the film’s prominent cast are filming for key scenes in the ongoing schedule.

In an interesting casting coup, Coolie’s makers have roped in Sandalwood star Upendra for the movie. Uppi Dada joined the team on set earlier today. This photograph featuring both the superstars shaking hands with each other has been making a splash on the internet since this evening. Apparently, Upendra will be essaying the antagonist’s role in Coolie.

Coolie is eyeing a Pongal, 2025 release. The film is being produced under the Sun Pictures banner. Star composer Anirudh Ravichander is scoring the soundtrack. Mahendran, Sathyaraj, Reba Monica John, and Kishore Kumar will be seen in key roles, while the makers are yet to announce the name of the film’s leading lady.

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