Two dead in Israeli raids on Baalbek

Two dead in Israeli raids on Baalbek

Could Houthi attacks on ships off the Yemen coast continue even after a Gaza ceasefire? LONDON: The campaign of attacks by Yemen’s Houthi fighters on shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden continues, despite renewed US and UK strikes on their positions, leading to fears about the long-term security of these strategically …

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Deadly strikes hit ‘pressure cooker’ Rafah ahead of Gaza truce push

Deadly strikes hit ‘pressure cooker’ Rafah ahead of Gaza truce push

WASHINGTON DC: The US military launched an air assault on dozens of sites in Iraq and Syria used by Iranian-backed militias and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds force Friday, in the opening salvo of retaliation for the drone strike that killed three US troops in Jordan last weekend, officials told The Associated Press.President Joe Biden …

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UN chief warns that Israel’s rejection of a two-state solution threatens global peace

UN chief warns that Israel’s rejection of a two-state solution threatens global peace

BEIRUT: A parliamentary debate on Lebanon’s 2024 draft budget broke out into a row on Wednesday, with MPs accusing the government of “starving citizens” and promoting corruption. The parliament’s General Assembly began discussion on the budget after the government’s initial version was radically amended by the Finance and Budget Committee. The opening of the session …

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Saudi FM tells CNN: No normal Israel ties without path to Palestinian state

Saudi FM tells CNN: No normal Israel ties without path to Palestinian state

RIYADH: In the sanctuary of her studio, Saudi artist Areej Obaid wields her brush on a blank canvas with her emotions guiding her to create a world of her own. Each stroke of color embodies her innermost thoughts and desires, tracing the lines of her heart. With each bristle dipped into vibrant pigments, Obaid’s emotions …

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Saudi Arabia ‘incredibly concerned’ about Red Sea, Gaza security, FM tells WEF

Saudi Arabia ‘incredibly concerned’ about Red Sea, Gaza security, FM tells WEF

LONDON: The energy transition will be at the core of the Gulf region’s strategy to continue to fuel its growth, Saudi Arabia’s investment minister said on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “The most important thing is political stability, long-sighted vision and consistency,” Khalid Al-Falih told a panel titled “Gulf Economies: All …

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Gaps in space law are fueling a Wild West attitude

Gaps in space law are fueling a Wild West attitude

Gaps in space law are fueling a Wild West attitude Gaps in space law are fueling a Wild West attitude when it comes to what is permissible in space. (Reuters) The late President John Kennedy challenged America to lead in space. He said: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do …

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Screens at Beirut airport hacked with anti-Hezbollah message

Screens at Beirut airport hacked with anti-Hezbollah message

CHICAGO: The US National Space Agency announced on Sunday that it will partner with the UAE Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center, or MBRSC, to build an “air lock” that will be a critical part of future Artemis/Gateway space missions to launch a space station to orbit the Moon. NASA launched the unmanned Artemis I Mission …

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Who killed Iran’s IRGC operative Sayyed Reza Mousavi in Syria, and why?

Who killed Iran’s IRGC operative Sayyed Reza Mousavi in Syria, and why?

IRBIL, Iraqi Kurdistan/JEDDAH: A senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps paramilitary died in Syria on Monday in possibly the most consequential targeted killing the region has seen since the “shadow commander” Qassem Soleimani was eliminated by an American drone strike in Baghdad in January 2020. Iran’s state-run media described Sayyed Reza Mousavi as …

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Heavy exchange of missiles between Hezbollah, Israeli army results in casualties on both sides

Heavy exchange of missiles between Hezbollah, Israeli army results in casualties on both sides

BEIRUT: Hostilities between Hezbollah and the Israeli army on the southern Lebanese front were characterized on Wednesday by an abundance of rockets fired by both sides, causing deaths and injuries. Israeli Army Radio announced that “an Iranian-made drone was intercepted over the Mediterranean off the coast of Beirut, launched from Iraq.” Bassam Yassin, a retired …

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