Should We Keep Ceiling Fan On While Using AC? Let’s Find Out

Should We Keep Ceiling Fan On While Using AC? Let’s Find Out

More and more people are using ACs these days. There is a common misconception that ceiling fans should be switched off, while using AC. The summer season is just around the corner. People have already started using fans. There are some who are even using ACs to beat the scorching heat. As everything is easily …

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Angioplasty Finally Proven Beneficial in Stable Angina

Angioplasty Finally Proven Beneficial in Stable Angina

PHILADELPHIA — Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) reduces angina frequency, increases exercise capacity, and improves quality of life, results of a placebo-controlled, randomized trial show, confirming advantages that have never before been proven. “The effect of PCI was immediate, sustained over 12 weeks, and consistent across all endpoints,” …

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In MI With Anemia, Results May Favor Liberal Transfusion

In MI With Anemia, Results May Favor Liberal Transfusion

In patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and anemia, a “liberal” red blood cell (RBC) transfusion strategy did not significantly reduce the risk of recurrent MI or death within 30 days compared with a “restrictive” transfusion strategy, in the 3500-patient MINT trial. “While not statistically significant, the results consistently favored a liberal transfusion strategy,” Jeffrey L. …

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