Healthy eating: Why teens gorge and older people peck | Health

Healthy eating: Why teens gorge and older people peck | Health

While young people can eat everything in sight, older people often lose appetite. It’s important to know why to stay healthy at any age. Do you indulge? As you age, you may find your appetite, including for sweet things, declines.(Zoonar/picture alliance ) “Our body tells us more or less what to eat and when to …

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Study relates stroke risk with mental ability | Health News

Study relates stroke risk with mental ability | Health News

Lower abilities of concentration and learning during childhood and teenage could be related to a tripling of risk of having a stroke before turning 50, according to a research. While lower mental abilities have been linked to higher risks of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, researchers said that evidence in this regard is inconsistent. The …

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A comprehensive guide to women’s health

A comprehensive guide to women’s health

As young girls transition into adolescence, it marks a crucial period of physical and emotional development. Dr. Avan Dadina, a Mumbai-based gynecologist and obstetrician, emphasises the significance of this phase. Dadina advocates for the importance of a good lifestyle during this period, including a healthy diet along with regular physical activity. She underscores the importance …

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