Who Benefits From Omega-3/Fish Oil Supplements?

Who Benefits From Omega-3/Fish Oil Supplements?

This is Dr JoAnn Manson, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. I’d like to talk with you about a recent report in the British Medical Journal on the regular use of omega-3 fish oil supplements and the course of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This is an observational study from the …

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US Bodybuilder Undergoes Heart Surgery After Drinking Cold Water Nearly Kills Him

US Bodybuilder Undergoes Heart Surgery After Drinking Cold Water Nearly Kills Him

Afib denotes a condition characterized by irregular heartbeats. A bodybuilder from Houston is spreading awareness after almost dying from a drink of cold water. Over 15 years, Franklin Aribeana’s recurrent hospitalisations, totalling more than 20 visits, stemmed from his condition and the unexpected catalyst. It all commenced unexpectedly with a fainting spell at the age …

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