New images from EHT offers evidence of a persistent black hole shadow

New images from EHT offers evidence of a persistent black hole shadow

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has unveiled fresh images of M87*, the supermassive black hole in the galaxy Messier 87, using data collected in April 2018. These observations, which involved the newly operational Greenland Telescope and a significantly enhanced recording rate across the array, provide a new perspective on the source compared to the …

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Planet formation may occur much more rapidly than previously thought

Planet formation may occur much more rapidly than previously thought

Astronomers, utilizing data from the powerful Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), have discovered ring and spiral structures in very young planetary disks, demonstrating that planet formation may begin much earlier than previously thought.  The international team captured images of Class 0 and Class I planetary disks, which are much younger than the previously …

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ALMA Detects Seismic Ripples in Disk of Ancient Barred Spiral Galaxy

ALMA Detects Seismic Ripples in Disk of Ancient Barred Spiral Galaxy

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have observed a disk bending wave in BRI 1335-0417, the oldest known spiral galaxy at over 12 billion years old. This unprecedented observation reveals the galaxy’s dynamic growth patterns, showcasing a vertically oscillating disk movement similar to ripples on a pond. The study marks the first time …

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New Research Sheds Light on Internal Structure of Dwarf Planet Eris

New Research Sheds Light on Internal Structure of Dwarf Planet Eris

The trans-Neptunian dwarf planet Eris is tidally locked to its small moon Dysnomia. Recently obtained bounds on the mass of Dysnomia demonstrate that Eris must be unexpectedly dissipative (‘squishy’) for it to have despun over the age of the Solar System. New research shows that Eris must have differentiated into an ice shell and rocky …

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