Why September Is the Perfect Time to Visit Azerbaijan

Why September Is the Perfect Time to Visit Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is surging in popularity among Indian travellers, with more than 90,000 visitors in just the first five months of this year—almost three times as many as in 2023. The country’s easy e-visa process, convenient flights, and dynamic cultural scene are drawing in travellers. Whether you to want to unwind at a global award-winning wellness …

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8 Destinations To Visit This Year

8 Destinations To Visit This Year

As the festive season approaches, many are looking forward to long weekends to take that trip to a getaway. Whether you’re planning a short domestic trip or an international escape, here are 8 fantastic destinations that promise a memorable break: 1. Goa, India Whenever a long weekend comes, the first place that comes to mind …

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NASA completed a mission to detect asteroids that pose a threat to Earth

NASA completed a mission to detect asteroids that pose a threat to Earth

By Alimat Aliyeva Engineers of NASA’s NEOWISE (Near-Earth Object Survey) mission have ordered the last transmitter on the spacecraft observing asteroids and comets to be turned off, Azernews reports. The planetary defense mission, which lasted for more than 10 years, to search for asteroids and comets, as well as celestial bodies that could pose a …

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Oxygen-producing minerals discovered at bottom of Pacific Ocean

Oxygen-producing minerals discovered at bottom of Pacific Ocean

By Alimat Aliyeva An international team of researchers from Scotland, the USA and other countries has discovered that metallic minerals on the ocean floor are capable of producing oxygen. The discovery challenged the notion that the Earth’s hydrosphere is oxygenated only by photosynthetic organisms (algae and phytoplankton), Azernews reports. The gas released by deep rocks …

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Hydrogen sulfide gas discovered on an alien planet similar to Jupiter

Hydrogen sulfide gas discovered on an alien planet similar to Jupiter

A strong-smelling hydrogen sulfide gas has been found in the atmosphere of an alien planet similar to Jupiter, smelling of scattered eggs. This is the first terrestrial chemical found on any exoplanet, Azernews reports. The planet known as HD 189733b, discovered in 2005, is already a very extreme place: a red-hot gas giant slightly larger …

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NASA completed year-long experiment to simulate life on Mars

NASA completed year-long experiment to simulate life on Mars

By Alimat Aliyeva NASA has announced the successful completion of an experimental mission to prepare for a human flight to Mars, Azernews reports. Four volunteers selected from more than 10 thousand candidates left the experimental complex – the “Martian Block” – which simulates some of the living conditions of future colonists on the Red Planet. …

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New Earth-like exoplanet discovered just 40 light-years away

New Earth-like exoplanet discovered just 40 light-years away

Astronomers have discovered a potentially habitable Earth-like exoplanet, Gliese 12b, situated 40 light years away, Azernews reports citing Anadolu Agency. International teams using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) published their findings last Thursday in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, opening up exciting possibilities in the search for extraterrestrial life and understanding …

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Turkish study identifies microplastics in brain cells

Turkish study identifies microplastics in brain cells

A study by Turkish scientists, which found the existence of microplastics in brain cells, will shed light on whether these products, used daily, are a factor in Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke and cerebral hemorrhage in the future, Azernews reports. The study conducted by Emrah Celtikci at Türkiye’s Gazi University Medical School Neurosurgery Department and …

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