Insight into the on/off switch that regulates expression of the MSMEG-3762/63 efflux pump in Mycobacterium smegmatis

Insight into the on/off switch that regulates expression of the MSMEG-3762/63 efflux pump in Mycobacterium smegmatis

Absence of the MSMEG-3762/63 pump enhances membrane potential To evaluate the functional role of MSMEG-3762/63 in membrane potential (Δψ), cytofluorimetric analysis was performed on M. smegmatis (wt), M. smegmatis (ΔMSMEG_3763) and M. smegmatis (ΔMSMEG_3763 pBD04) complemented strain, using the DiOC2 fluorescent carbocyanine dye. DiOC2 exhibits green fluorescence in the monomeric state but shifts toward red …

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