Automakers Are Pumping The Brakes On The EV Transition

Automakers Are Pumping The Brakes On The EV Transition

Image: Cadilliac The transition to electric vehicles is supposed to be a matter of when not if. However, automakers are starting to seem a little hesitant about what resources they should pour into EV production. Manufacturers have had supply issues building electric vehicles as well as trouble actually selling the ones they have made. Now, …

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Tesla Semi Wins Range Test Against Volvo, Freightliner, and Nikola

Tesla Semi Wins Range Test Against Volvo, Freightliner, and Nikola

Real world testing data shows that the Tesla Semi truck can travel about 400 miles per charge, and recharge to 80 percent in just 45 minutes. Considering just how large the onboard battery pack is (roughly the size of ten Model S packs) that’s not too shabby. In a recent three-week test across 22 electric …

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EVs Might Not Cost So Much Soon Thanks To Cheaper Batteries

EVs Might Not Cost So Much Soon Thanks To Cheaper Batteries

One of the biggest hurdles to electric car proliferation is the cost. According to Cox Automotive new EVs are selling on average about $5,000 more than gas-powered vehicles — $53,469 vs. $48,334. While government incentives can negate some of that gap, and electric cars don’t need pricy gasoline or as much maintenance to drive around, …

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