Doctors flag concerns on rising colon cancer cases among adults under 50

Doctors flag concerns on rising colon cancer cases among adults under 50

New Delhi: The increase in colon or colorectal cancer cases among adults under 50 is concerning, said experts on Sunday. Colon cancer is becoming a significant health concern in India, ranking as the seventh most common cancer, with higher incidence rates in urban areas like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. According to the Indian Council of …

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Obesity and poor diet driving early onset of cancers: Health Expert

Obesity and poor diet driving early onset of cancers: Health Expert

New Delhi: Obesity, poor diet, and physical inactivity are driving the onset of several cancers including gallbladder, colon, kidney, and pancreas, according to a top health expert from the University of Sydney, Australia on Saturday. Once known to affect the elderly, the last three decades have seen an enormous surge in early onset of cancer, …

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Male infertility: High cancer risk found in families of men with low sperm count | Health

Male infertility: High cancer risk found in families of men with low sperm count | Health

Researchers have detailed the risk patterns of cancers in families of men producing fewer or no sperms in a new study using genetic sequencing. Male infertility: Increased cancer risk found in families of men with low sperm count (Photo by Twitter/AndyVermaut) {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} They found that in families of men producing no sperm …

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Stress-Induced Immune Cell Metalloproteinase Alters Brain

Stress-Induced Immune Cell Metalloproteinase Alters Brain

According to new research from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, stress promotes immune cell interactions with the brain to control social behavior through a circulating myeloid cell-specific proteinase. In the serum of humans with major depressive disorder (MDD) and stress-susceptible mice subjected to chronic stress, the researchers identified increases in a specific …

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Machine Learning Tool, A-Plus, Makes the Grade for Liquid Biopsies

Machine Learning Tool, A-Plus, Makes the Grade for Liquid Biopsies

Researchers at City of Hope, and at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), have developed and tested a machine-learning approach that they suggest could one day enable earlier blood-based detection of cancer in patients, using only small blood draws. The technology is based on an algorithm called Alu Profile Learning Using Sequencing (A-PLUS), which the …

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Cancer-Driving Protein Inhibited by Bicyclic Peptide

Cancer-Driving Protein Inhibited by Bicyclic Peptide

In healthy cells, the protein MYC helps guide the process of transcription, in which genetic information is converted from DNA into RNA and, eventually, into proteins. However, the shapeless protein is responsible for making the majority of human cancer cases worse. Finding a way to control MYC is challenging because unlike most other proteins, MYC …

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Vibrating Molecules in Lab Experiment Wipe Out 99% Of Cancer Cells

Vibrating Molecules in Lab Experiment Wipe Out 99% Of Cancer Cells

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Scientists and researchers in the medical field have been investing significant efforts into developing a cure for the deadly disease of cancer, which results in millions of fatalities each year. A collaborative research team comprising experts from Rice University, Texas A&M University, and the University of Texas …

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Discover Why Early Detection Is Essential for Successful Cancer Treatment

Discover Why Early Detection Is Essential for Successful Cancer Treatment

Early detection of cancer significantly improves the likelihood of successful treatment, long-term survival, and a higher quality of life. By undergoing regular screenings tailored to specific types of cancer, individuals can increase their chances of detecting the disease in its earliest and most treatable stage. Cancer remains a major global health challenge and a leading …

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