Using sugar as a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide

Using sugar as a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide

image: @Fahroni | iStock In a study published in Science, Northwestern University researchers have introduced a catalyst with the ability to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbon monoxide (CO), using table sugar  Led by Milad Khoshooei and Omar K. Farha, the Northwestern team has developed a catalyst created from molybdenum carbide, a resilient ceramic material that stands …

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Study explains how soil traps carbon

Study explains how soil traps carbon

Soil holds a staggering 2,500 billion tons of sequestered carbon, making it one of Earth’s largest carbon sinks, second only to the ocean. Despite its ubiquity, scientists are just starting to grasp how soil effectively locks in carbon, preventing it from re-entering the carbon cycle. Carbon in soil can be sequestered for varying durations, ranging …

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The Carbon-Sinking Superpower of Multi-Species Forests

The Carbon-Sinking Superpower of Multi-Species Forests

An international study has found that mixed forests store more carbon than monocultures, with four-species mixtures being the most effective. Mixed forests are not only more resilient to environmental threats but also provide greater ecosystem services and biodiversity. Despite these benefits, many countries focus on single-species forest restoration. Above ground carbon stocks are at least …

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