‘Disease X’ cure discovered? Researchers suggest coexistence with bats to battle future pandemics – News Healthcare

‘Disease X’ cure discovered? Researchers suggest coexistence with bats to battle future pandemics – News Healthcare

Researchers from Cornell University and the Wildlife Conservation Society propose a novel strategy for averting future pandemics: peacefully coexisting with bats. Published in “The Lancet Planetary Health,” their study challenges the common perception of bats as disease vectors and advises against disturbing them. Despite carrying various viruses, including those closely related to COVID-19, the study …

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Gigantic Sundial Breaks Records while Harnessing Renewable Energy

Gigantic Sundial Breaks Records while Harnessing Renewable Energy

Land Art Generator Houston is set to unveil an impressive public art installation, known as “the world’s largest sundial,” that not only serves as a time measuring device but also generates solar power for the local community. Designed by Berlin-based artist and architect Riccardo Mariano, the Arco del Tiempo (Arch of Time) will be erected …

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