Sun Is Not Okay! Massive 80000km Coronal Hole Threatens Earth; NOAA Warns Of Geomagnetic Storm, Chance To Witness Aurora Views!

Sun Is Not Okay! Massive 80000km Coronal Hole Threatens Earth; NOAA Warns Of Geomagnetic Storm, Chance To Witness Aurora Views!

Incoming Solar Wind Prompts Forecasters to Call for Auroras This Week. (Photo Credit: NASA) Sun has a massive hole which has recently sent a persistent stream of solar wind towards Earth. As per a report of, it is a Coronal hole, which is an area where the Sun’s magnetic field allows particles to escape …

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Remarkable imagery shows NASA probe hit by a solar storm

Remarkable imagery shows NASA probe hit by a solar storm

A NASA spacecraft captured incredible imagery as it flew through an eruption from the sun recently. Pictures beamed back to scientists on Earth even show the fiery ejection “vacuuming up” space dust left over from the formation of the solar system. The fly-through by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe took place on September 5 and NASA …

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