Size matters! We were wrong about the Sun

Size matters! We were wrong about the Sun

New Delhi,UPDATED: Nov 8, 2023 14:08 IST In a groundbreaking discovery, a team of astronomers has found evidence suggesting that the Sun, the star at the center of our Solar System, may be slightly smaller than previously thought. The radius of the Sun is believed to be a few hundredths of a percent slimmer than …

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Remarkable imagery shows NASA probe hit by a solar storm

Remarkable imagery shows NASA probe hit by a solar storm

A NASA spacecraft captured incredible imagery as it flew through an eruption from the sun recently. Pictures beamed back to scientists on Earth even show the fiery ejection “vacuuming up” space dust left over from the formation of the solar system. The fly-through by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe took place on September 5 and NASA …

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