Stress-Induced Immune Cell Metalloproteinase Alters Brain

Stress-Induced Immune Cell Metalloproteinase Alters Brain

According to new research from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, stress promotes immune cell interactions with the brain to control social behavior through a circulating myeloid cell-specific proteinase. In the serum of humans with major depressive disorder (MDD) and stress-susceptible mice subjected to chronic stress, the researchers identified increases in a specific …

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Newly Identified Genes Linked to Depression Uncovered

Newly Identified Genes Linked to Depression Uncovered

A team of researchers led by the University of College London (UCL) has discovered over 200 genes linked to depression in a worldwide study. The team found more than 50 new genetic loci and 205 novel genes that are associated with depression, in the first large-scale global study of the genetics of major depression in …

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