Milky Way collided with another galaxy, shredded and devoured it years ago

Milky Way collided with another galaxy, shredded and devoured it years ago

In a new study, astronomers have made a stunning discovery that our galaxy, Milky Way, had recently collided with another galaxy causing an explosion. Through time, the Milky Way has grown and has collided with other galaxies – which were torn apart and devoured by the Milky Way. With every collision, the galaxy develops wrinkles which …

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Parasite black holes devouring stars from inside, says study

Parasite black holes devouring stars from inside, says study

In a new study, it has been found that an unusual candidate for dark matter, which can be referred to as parasite black holes, is likely to be lurking inside stars and slowly devouring them from the inside out. The study, which was led by astrophysicist Earl Bellinger of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics …

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