How Long Does It Take for Sperm to Regenerate? The Answer Revealed

How Long Does It Take for Sperm to Regenerate? The Answer Revealed

Sperm production and regeneration is a complex biological process. (Representative image/Pixabay) Sperm production, known as spermatogenesis, is an ongoing process. Your body is continually making millions of new sperm each day to maintain a healthy level of fertility. However, if you ejaculate frequently, your sperm count may temporarily drop Sex may permeate our popular culture, …

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Let’s Talk Sex | Not Releasing Semen During Orgasm: Understanding Retrograde Ejaculation

Let’s Talk Sex | Not Releasing Semen During Orgasm: Understanding Retrograde Ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation happens when semen enters the bladder instead of exiting the penis during orgasm. (Representative Image) With retrograde ejaculation, you’ll experience the sensation of an orgasm, but little to no semen will come out. For many men, it is not harmful and requires no treatment. However, it can cause infertility Sex may permeate our …

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