Challenges And Solutions In Managing Eye Diseases During Monsoon

Challenges And Solutions In Managing Eye Diseases During Monsoon

Cataracts and other eye diseases also affect children, and struggle with day-to-day activities or everyday life in the future. The burden of visual illnesses has decreased by almost 50 percent in 2020 compared to data collected in 1996-1997. However, a large portion of our population still suffers from visual impairment or preventable blindness. Refractive errors …

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6 Daily Habits To Maintain Good Eyesight

6 Daily Habits To Maintain Good Eyesight

Drinking less water leads to issues like dry eyes. Eye problems can happen due to several factors like environment, pollution, genetic issues and ageing. With the advent of social media and the internet, eye problems are one of the most common problems faced by youths today. Eye problems can happen due to several factors like …

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Eyes Under Siege: Combating Glaucoma And Preserving Eyesight

Eyes Under Siege: Combating Glaucoma And Preserving Eyesight

Glaucoma is often termed a silent thief of sight. Dr Chirag Gupta, Senior Consultant, Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals shares ways to combat glaucoma and preserve eyesight In the realm of ocular health, glaucoma emerges as a formidable adversary, stealthily encroaching upon the eyesight of millions, often without a whisper of warning. This insidious condition, known …

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