Study Says Poor Sleep Can Cause Weight Gain And Increase Cholesterol Levels

Study Says Poor Sleep Can Cause Weight Gain And Increase Cholesterol Levels

Poor Sleep Can Cause Weight Gain And Increase Cholesterol Levels A recent study revealed that people who sleep poorly are likely to have higher levels of fatty triglycerides, which is a type of blood cholesterol, and abdominal fat that can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, and other health issues. The study was led …

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High-Intensity Interval Training Boosts Recovery For Stroke Patients: Study

High-Intensity Interval Training Boosts Recovery For Stroke Patients: Study

High-Intensity Interval Training Boosts Recovery for Stroke Patients: Study (Image Credits: iStock) For years, slow and steady exercise has been the go-to recommendation for stroke survivors to recover safely. However, a new study published in the journal Stroke suggests that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) may offer even greater benefits for some stroke survivors, without increasing …

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Cambodia Reports Fresh H5N1 Bird Flu Case: Know Tips To Stay Safe

Cambodia Reports Fresh H5N1 Bird Flu Case: Know Tips To Stay Safe

Cambodia Reports Fresh H5N1 Bird Flu Case (Image Credits: iStock) A new case of H5N1 bird flu has been confirmed in a four-year-old boy from Svay Rieng province in southeast Cambodia, marking the eighth human case in the country since the beginning of 2024, according to a statement from the Ministry of Health. Laboratory tests …

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Romania Reports New West Nile Virus Case; Signs And Symptoms To Watch Out For

Romania Reports New West Nile Virus Case; Signs And Symptoms To Watch Out For

Romania Reports New West Nile Virus Case; Signs And Symptoms To Watch Out For (Image Credits: iStock) Romania‘s National Public Health Institute reported a new case of West Nile virus infection, marking the country’s second confirmed case this season. The latest infection occurred in an 80-year-old individual from Mures County in central Romania, according to …

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Monsoon Diseases: Expert Shares Tips To Keep Typhoid At Bay

Monsoon Diseases: Expert Shares Tips To Keep Typhoid At Bay

Updated Jul 7, 2024, 18:00 IST With the onset of monsoon season, concerns rise over the spread of typhoid fever in India. As rains increase, so does the risk of waterborne diseases like typhoid, transmitted primarily through contaminated food and water. We got in touch with a health expert who shares symptoms, preventive measures such …

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Want To Quit Smoking? WHO Issues Effective Treatment Guidelines To Reduce Tobacco Consumption

Want To Quit Smoking? WHO Issues Effective Treatment Guidelines To Reduce Tobacco Consumption

Updated Jul 5, 2024, 23:15 IST The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued new guidelines to help individuals quit tobacco, combining pharmacotherapy and behavioral interventions for greater success. Recommendations include medications such as varenicline, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), bupropion, and cytisine. Read on to know more effective strategies to reduce tobacco consumption and quit smoking …

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