Act now to prevent a ‘gold rush’ in outer space

Act now to prevent a ‘gold rush’ in outer space

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 has become a workhorse of the private satellite launch vehicle market.Credit: Associated Press/Alamy Who Owns the Moon? In Defence of Humanity’s Common Interests in Space A. C. Grayling Oneworld Publications (2024) The Moon seems to be back on everyone’s radar. NASA’s Artemis mission is expected to shuttle humans back to the lunar …

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Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Wolffia arrhiza and comparative genomic analysis with relative Wolffia species

Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Wolffia arrhiza and comparative genomic analysis with relative Wolffia species

Chloroplast genome characteristics of W. arrhiza The chloroplast genome of W. arrhiza is 169,602 bp in the quadripartite structure with one large single copy (LSC) region of 92,172 bp, one small single copy (SSC) region of 13,686 bp, and a pair of inverted repeat (IR) regions of 31,872 bp each (Fig. 2). The total guanine and cytosine (GC) content of …

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the inside story of deception in a rising star’s physics lab

the inside story of deception in a rising star’s physics lab

In 2020, Ranga Dias was an up-and-coming star of the physics world. A researcher at the University of Rochester in New York, Dias achieved widespread recognition for his claim to have discovered the first room-temperature superconductor, a material that conducts electricity without resistance at ambient temperatures. Dias published that finding in a landmark Nature paper1. …

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Could AI-designed proteins be weaponized? Scientists lay out safety guidelines

Could AI-designed proteins be weaponized? Scientists lay out safety guidelines

The artificial-intelligence tool AlphaFold can design proteins to perform specific functions.Credit: Google DeepMind/EMBL-EBI (CC-BY-4.0) Could proteins designed by artificial intelligence (AI) ever be used as bioweapons? In the hope of heading off this possibility — as well as the prospect of burdensome government regulation — researchers today launched an initiative calling for the safe and …

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Sex-specific associations of serum cortisol with brain biomarkers of Alzheimer’s risk

Sex-specific associations of serum cortisol with brain biomarkers of Alzheimer’s risk

Participants and data This is a natural history, non-interventional study of cognitively normal individuals ages 35–65 years, carrying risk factors for late-onset AD such as a family history and/or APOE4 genotype. Participants were recruited at the Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) Alzheimer’s Prevention Program between 2018 and 2023 by self-referral, flyers, and word of mouth. Our inclusion …

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Machine learning and XAI approaches highlight the strong connection between $$O_3$$ and $$NO_2$$ pollutants and Alzheimer’s disease

Machine learning and XAI approaches highlight the strong connection between $$O_3$$ and $$NO_2$$ pollutants and Alzheimer’s disease

The main goal of our work was the investigation of possible significant correlations between different type of environmental pollution, socio-economic factors, clinical comorbidities and AD mortality in the Italian provinces from 2015 to 2019 through a procedure based on machine learning techniques. Our pipeline is summarized in Fig. 1. To select the most performing algorithms …

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why a vaccine campaign is unlikley to stop it

why a vaccine campaign is unlikley to stop it

A dose of the Qdenga vaccine against dengue is given to a young recipient in Brazil.Credit: Buda Mendes/Getty An explosive rise in dengue cases in Brazil has health authorities on edge. In the first two months of 2024, the country registered more than one million cases of the mosquito-borne disease. That’s a record for this …

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Long-term air pollution exposure is associated with higher incidence of ST-elevation myocardial infarction and in-hospital cardiogenic shock

Long-term air pollution exposure is associated with higher incidence of ST-elevation myocardial infarction and in-hospital cardiogenic shock

Study protocols and population The study subjects were enrolled in the Korea AMI registry (KAMIR) and KAMIR-National Institutes of Health (NIH). The KAMIR study protocol has been introduced previously14. KAMIR and KAMIR-NIH are nationwide prospective multicenter registration study series that aim to establish treatment guidelines and derive risk factors through the analysis of various clinical …

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On the genetic basis of tail-loss evolution in humans and apes

On the genetic basis of tail-loss evolution in humans and apes

Comparative genomics analyses of tail-development-related genes Hominoid evolution represents an extended stage in primate evolution that involved many phenotypic changes and widespread genomic sequence changes. Therefore, querying for hominoid-specific mutations across the genome results in tens of millions of candidates, with most of them disposed in non-coding regions. We used the following criteria to define …

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