Unique bacteria colonize the gut shortly after birth and make serotonin to educate gut immune cells

Unique bacteria colonize the gut shortly after birth and make serotonin to educate gut immune cells

A recent Science Immunology study revealed that neonatal gut bacteria produce serotonin and down-regulate monoamine oxidase A (MOA) to limit serotonin breakdown, thereby promoting immune tolerance. Study: Gut bacteria–derived serotonin promotes immune tolerance in early life. Image Credit: Tatiana Shepeleva/Shutterstock.com Background Bacterial colonization in the neonatal gut plays a crucial role in the development of the immune …

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Targeted ocular spectroscopy shines new light on retinal health

Targeted ocular spectroscopy shines new light on retinal health

In a recent study published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics, researchers demonstrate the multimodal functionality of targeted ocular fluorescence spectroscopy in vitro and in vivo.  Study: Targeted spectroscopy in the eye fundus. Image Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.com Background Some typical structural and functional changes occur in the eyes, especially the eye fundus, due to ocular diseases like …

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Immunogenicity of insect-specific Zika virus-vectorized vaccine candidates

Immunogenicity of insect-specific Zika virus-vectorized vaccine candidates

In a recent study published in Scientific Reports, researchers investigated the immunogenicity, safety, and effectiveness of Aripo-Zika (ARPV/ZIKV), a chimeric insect-specific flavivirus (ISFV)-Zika vaccine. Study: Exploring the immunogenicity of an insect-specific virus vectored Zika vaccine candidate. Image Credit: nechaevkon/Shutterstock.com Background The Zika virus (ZIKV) is a worldwide health issue; however, there are no Food and Drug Administration …

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