ISRO to usher in New Year with XPoSat launch | India News

ISRO to usher in New Year with XPoSat launch | India News

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is likely to usher in the New Year, with the launch of its first polarimetry mission XPoSat likely on January 1, according to persons in the know of the matter. It will become the country’s third space-based observatory after the recently launched solar mission Aditya-L1 and AstroSat launched in 2015. …

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X-Raying the Universe’s Biggest Mysteries

X-Raying the Universe’s Biggest Mysteries

Launched in December 2021, the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) is a significant astronomical instrument orbiting Earth, studying X-ray emissions from cosmic phenomena like quasars, blazars, and black holes. Its findings have been pivotal in solving long-standing cosmic mysteries, such as the acceleration processes in blazars and the activity of supernova remnants. Credit: NASA IXPE, …

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