Liver Damage To Diabetes, 5 Common Causes Of Bad Breath

Liver Damage To Diabetes, 5 Common Causes Of Bad Breath

Brushing your teeth cannot prevent bad breath. Respiratory system infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis and pneumonia can cause bad breath. Bad breath can be extremely embarrassing, especially in crowds or during intimate moments with your partner. You would think that brushing your teeth twice a day would eliminate it, but in some cases it persists …

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How to know if your liver is unhealthy? Expert shares 10 early signs to watch out for | Health Conditions News

How to know if your liver is unhealthy? Expert shares 10 early signs to watch out for | Health Conditions News

According to expert, the liver stores approximately 13 per cent of the body’s blood supply at any given time and performs a multitude of vital biochemical functions daily. Know 10 early signs of liver damage The significance of nurturing liver health through conscientious lifestyle choices must not be overlooked. (Image: Freepik) New Delhi: Liver …

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Watch Out For These Warning Signs And Symptoms

Watch Out For These Warning Signs And Symptoms

Yellowing of the skin and eyes can indicate poor liver health Liver is an important organ that helps digest food, eliminates waste from the body, produces bile juice and filters toxins from your body. Your liver is vulnerable to several conditions. Any deformities in the functioning of the liver can disturb your health and well-being. …

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Paracetamol overdose poses severe risk of acute liver failure: Study | Health

Paracetamol overdose poses severe risk of acute liver failure: Study | Health

According to a recent study by the University of Edinburgh, liver damage can be induced by Paracetamol, a common painkiller. New information on how the popular painkiller damages the liver is revealed by studies conducted on mice. The findings provide important information about overdosage toxicity, which is sometimes fatal and difficult to cure. Organ failure …

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How indulging in fast food can be damaging your liver

How indulging in fast food can be damaging your liver

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – Jan 10, 2024, 16:00 IST ​​Eating fast food may poorly affect your wellbeing​ We all might agree that every now and then our taste buds crave for something savoury and spicy. This makes us find comfort in enjoying a burger or that big slice of pizza. However, if the …

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