Watch: Protesters Raise Palestinian Flag At Harvard University, Remove US Flag

Watch: Protesters Raise Palestinian Flag At Harvard University, Remove US Flag

Student protesters at Harvard University sparked a controversy this week when Palestinian flags were raised over the iconic John Harvard statue, after whom the prestigious US university is named. The act was seen as a provocative display of support for Palestine in the ivy college amid Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. Saturday’s incident unfolded when …

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Astronomers watch 18 black holes eating up stars

Astronomers watch 18 black holes eating up stars

Last updated on – Feb 1, 2024, 22:00 IST Recent discovery MIT researchers have uncovered a series of 18 massive black holes engaged in tearing apart and consuming stars. This intriguing phenomenon, termed Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs), involves stars venturing too close to black holes, experiencing gravitational forces that lead to a process known as …

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Astronomers spot 18 black holes swallowing suns that came close to them

Astronomers spot 18 black holes swallowing suns that came close to them

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has revealed the discovery of 18 new tidal disruption events (TDEs), where stars are violently torn apart by black holes. This finding, published in the Astrophysical Journal, more than doubles the previously known occurrences of such cosmic feasts and sheds light on the elusive …

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MIT’s Next Level ‘ShapeShifting’ Display Lets You Reach Out And Touch Someone

MIT’s Next Level ‘ShapeShifting’ Display Lets You Reach Out And Touch Someone

MIT has introduced a groundbreaking “Dynamic Shape Display” named inFORM, which is capable of physically altering its shape to showcase 3D content. This display comprises a large surface supported by an array of pins, actuators, and linkages. Through the manipulation of each actuator, inFORM can control the movement of individual pins, enabling a diverse range …

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After Harvard shakeup, Bill Ackman guns for MIT President for plagiarism check

After Harvard shakeup, Bill Ackman guns for MIT President for plagiarism check

Following allegations that his wife, Neri Oxman, plagiarised parts of her dissertation while working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Billionaire Bill Ackman announced on Friday that he would start examining the work of all current faculty members at the university, including President Sally Kornbluth, for plagiarism. Bill Ackman, chief executive officer and portfolio …

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Are passwords on the way out?: Tech Tonic with Vishal Mathur

Are passwords on the way out?: Tech Tonic with Vishal Mathur

Passwords go at least as far back as armed sentries, fortified towns and invasions on horseback. “Who goes there,” was a question that had to be answered in a very specific way, if one wished to see another dawn. PREMIUM Google’s Titan Security Keys can be plugged into a USB port to act as two-factor …

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