High rate of maternal hypozincaemia among Indian women

High rate of maternal hypozincaemia among Indian women

Researchers conducted a secondary analysis on the Women First Preconception Maternal Nutrition Trial and found high rates of maternal hypozincaemia despite daily zinc supplementation for the Indian cohort. “Despite daily zinc supplementation for at least seven months or more, high rates of maternal hypozincaemia were observed. The association of hypozincaemia with impaired foetal growth suggests …

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Role of nutrition during pregnancy and the direct impact of malnutrition on a newborn

Role of nutrition during pregnancy and the direct impact of malnutrition on a newborn

Pregnancy, a transformative journey, demands meticulous care and attention to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing child. Among the numerous factors contributing to a healthy pregnancy, the significance of nutrition is fundamental in shaping the health and well-being of both the expectant mother and the developing fetus.A balanced and …

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