Poop has been an easy target for microbiome research, but voyages into the small intestine shed new light on ways to improve gut health | Health News

Poop has been an easy target for microbiome research, but voyages into the small intestine shed new light on ways to improve gut health | Health News

Microbiome research to date has been much like the parable of the blind men and the elephant. How much can be said about an elephant by examining just its tail? Researchers have studied what is most readily available — stool rescued from a flush down the toilet — but have been missing the microbial masterminds …

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Study Suggests Aligning Treatment With Body Clock Boosts Cancer-Fighting Power

Study Suggests Aligning Treatment With Body Clock Boosts Cancer-Fighting Power

Study reveals how disrupting this internal body clock reduces immune effectiveness. Scientists have found that timing cancer treatment based on a patient’s body clock may improve the effectiveness of the treatment. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, found that the body’s natural 24-hour cycle affects the immune system’s ability to …

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Redefining Cancer Treatment With Personalized Medicine and Early Intervention

Redefining Cancer Treatment With Personalized Medicine and Early Intervention

Trends in the treatment for patients with cancer are shifting towards earlier intervention, with effective therapies like immunotherapy moving into neoadjuvant stages for improved outcomes. However, Geoffrey D. Moorer, MD, believes that challenges remain in ensuring wider access to sequencing and overcoming data complexity. While the future holds immense potential for artificial intelligence to revolutionize …

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