Planets beyond Solar System have more water than previously thought

Planets beyond Solar System have more water than previously thought

Recent research led by Caroline Dorn, Professor for Exoplanets at ETH Zurich, has revolutionised our understanding of exoplanets and how they could be filled with water than previously thought. The team revealed the complexity beyond the simplistic Earth-like models traditionally used. This study, published in Nature Astronomy, explores the intricate distribution of water within exoplanets, …

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Proposed planet definition fixes obvious flaws | Science News

Proposed planet definition fixes obvious flaws | Science News

Scientists cannot agree on what a planet even is. This is Pluto, which is not a Planet. (Image Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute). Key Highlights Scientists have proposed a new definition for a planet. Humans have discovered over 5,500 worlds in the galaxy, but planets only orbit the Sun. The …

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Uranus is facing ‘traffic jams’ in the cosmic world. Here’s why

Uranus is facing ‘traffic jams’ in the cosmic world. Here’s why

The particles which are flying around planet Uranus are facing “traffic jams”. Now, scientists have found the reason behind this weird scenario in the cosmic world. The weak radiation belts of the ice giant may have led to its lopsided and curiously tilted magnetic field which in turn has been causing the jams. The mystery …

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Why the US Hasn’t Sent Humans to Mars yet

Why the US Hasn’t Sent Humans to Mars yet

Earlier this month, NASA announced it was funding a revolutionary high-thrust rocket — called a Pulsed Plasma Rocket — that could make crewed missions to Mars in just two months. That’s seven months faster than it’d take with current technology and would drastically reduce the risk and cost of a crewed Mars mission, according to …

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A rare 6-planet alignment will occur next month. Here’s what to know.

A rare 6-planet alignment will occur next month. Here’s what to know.

This year has already amazed skygazers with a rare solar eclipse and a geomagnetic storm that caused stunning Northern Lights displays around the world, but there are still more incredible cosmic displays to come. Six planets are expected to align next month, creating what the Weather Channel refers to as a “planetary parade.”  The stunning alignment will occur just before sunrise on June …

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SPECULOOS Whispers from the Stars: The New Discovery

SPECULOOS Whispers from the Stars: The New Discovery

In a significant breakthrough, astronomers have unveiled the existence of SPECULOOS-3 b, an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star located about 55 light-years away from our planet. This discovery, while relatively proximate on the cosmic scale, underscores the burgeoning potential for identifying additional exoplanets within our celestial vicinity. SPECULOOS-3 b, with its close resemblance …

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Mars Express Spots Sand Dunes and Ice Layers at Martian North Pole

Mars Express Spots Sand Dunes and Ice Layers at Martian North Pole

New images from the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft show the terrain surrounding the permanent north polar ice cap of Mars. This image from ESA’s Mars Express shows an area close to Mars’ north pole. The image comprises data gathered by Mars Express’ High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on April …

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