Diabetes risk associated with night light in largest study

Diabetes risk associated with night light in largest study

Concerned about your patient’s type 2 diabetes risk? Along with the usual preventive strategies — like diet and exercise and, when appropriate, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists — there’s another simple, no-risk strategy that just might help: Turning off the light at night. A study in The Lancet found that people who were exposed to …

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Will New Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines Save More Lives?

Will New Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines Save More Lives?

When the American Cancer Society recently unveiled changes to its lung cancer screening guidance, the aim was to remove barriers to screening and catch more cancers in high-risk people earlier. Although the lung cancer death rate has declined significantly over the past few decades, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Detecting …

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Underdiagnosed: Anemia in Pregnancy

Underdiagnosed: Anemia in Pregnancy

Jerome J. Federspiel, MD, often cares for patients who are about to deliver a baby but who have untreated iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Often, these patients require a blood transfusion after giving birth. “I am sad to hear commonly from patients we treat that they have had iron-deficient anemia symptoms for many years. Correcting these …

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