Watch Out For These Signs And Symptoms Of Protein Deficiency

Watch Out For These Signs And Symptoms Of Protein Deficiency

Your hair, skin and nails are largely made of proteins like elastin, collagen and keratin Protein is an essential macronutrient that you need on a daily basis. Protein is the building block for your muscles, hair, skin and hormones. There are several food sources of protein. However, not many pay attention to their daily protein …

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Daily Protein Intake for Effective Muscle Building

Daily Protein Intake for Effective Muscle Building

How Much Protein Do You Need to Eat Everyday to Build Muscle (Picture Credit – Freepik) The role of protein in your diet cannot be overstated if you wish to have a sculpted physique. In your journey to build muscle and attain an aesthetically stunning physique, careful and adequate consumption of protein is a must. …

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