Solar Storm Alert! Sun Fires CMEs, Severe Geomagnetic Storm To Hit Earth On July 3, NOAA Alerts

Solar Storm Alert! Sun Fires CMEs, Severe Geomagnetic Storm To Hit Earth On July 3, NOAA Alerts

Updated Jul 2, 2024, 13:40 IST A G1-class or even stronger geomagnetic storm is expected to hit our home planet on July 3rd, NOAA forecasters alerted. Know more details. Earth Braces for Minor Geomagnetic Storms from Solar Eruptions Are we moving towards Solar Maxima? The continuous heightened solar activity suggests likewise. This has been further …

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Study suggests quakes on Mars hiding water secrets of red planet, hint at possibility of life

Study suggests quakes on Mars hiding water secrets of red planet, hint at possibility of life

Scientists and space enthusiasts have been searching for every possible hint of the existence of water on Mars.  However, the traditional methods have not proved effective in detecting liquid water which is most likely present deep below the Martian surface.  Scientists are now looking at a new approach which involves marsquakes and holds the capacity …

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India’s Mangalyaan-2 Mission Aims To Land Rover, Fly Helicopter On Mars

India’s Mangalyaan-2 Mission Aims To Land Rover, Fly Helicopter On Mars

Updated Jun 8, 2024, 17:37 IST India’s ISRO plans Mangalyaan-2, aiming to land a rover and fly a helicopter on Mars with innovative technology like a sky crane and supersonic parachute. Mangalyaan-2 Mission: ISRO Mars Mission includes helicopter, sky crane, rover And more The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up for its ambitious …

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Why the US Hasn’t Sent Humans to Mars yet

Why the US Hasn’t Sent Humans to Mars yet

Earlier this month, NASA announced it was funding a revolutionary high-thrust rocket — called a Pulsed Plasma Rocket — that could make crewed missions to Mars in just two months. That’s seven months faster than it’d take with current technology and would drastically reduce the risk and cost of a crewed Mars mission, according to …

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Why Explore The Red Planet And Can We Live There?

Why Explore The Red Planet And Can We Live There?

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, just after Earth. Sending humans to Mars seems to be the new milestone in space exploration. Since the 1960s, humans have set out to discover what the Red Planet can teach us about how planets grow and evolve, and whether it has ever hosted alien life. So …

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Science Notebook | NASA reworks Mars Sample Return Mission, CERN measures W Boson width, Spectroscopy distinguishes asteroids from space debris

Science Notebook | NASA reworks Mars Sample Return Mission, CERN measures W Boson width, Spectroscopy distinguishes asteroids from space debris

As part of NASA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR ) programme, the Perseverance rover has been collecting samples since it landed on the Red Planet in 2021, and the return was scheduled to happen in 2031. However, a NASA statement on April 15 suggests that the mission will have to be reworked with a simpler, less …

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NASA Mars Helicopter Captures Spectacular Pic Of Sand Dunes On Red Planet

NASA Mars Helicopter Captures Spectacular Pic Of Sand Dunes On Red Planet

Home Science Before Saying Goodbye Forever: NASA’s Mars Helicopter Captures Spectacular Pic Of Sand Dunes On Red Planet NASA’s Mars Mission: Ingenuity, miniature robot helicopter, captured amazing picture of sand dunes on the Red Planet. It has paved the way for future explorations. Ingenuity also clicked a picture of Perseverance. check pics here Before Saying …

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NASA Perseverance Rover Confirms Presence Of Ancient Lake On The Red Planet

NASA Perseverance Rover Confirms Presence Of Ancient Lake On The Red Planet

Home Science ‘Clues of Past Life on Mars’: NASA’s Perseverance Rover Confirms Presence Of Ancient Lake On The Red Planet NASA’s Mars Mission: The Perseverance rover has recently found evidence of ancient lake sediments at Jezero Crater’s floor, offering new hope for finding traces of past life on the Red Planet. A depiction of Jezero …

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