What penny-pinching baby-boomers mean for the world economy

What penny-pinching baby-boomers mean for the world economy

The West’s baby-boomers are the richest generation ever to have lived—but they do not spend like it. Instead, as we report this week, the elderly are squirrelling away money, motivated by ever-longer retirements, the risk that they will need to pay for old-age care, the inevitable uncertainty about how long they will survive and the …

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5 Healthy Habits To Make Your Life Better

5 Healthy Habits To Make Your Life Better

Maintaining mental peace is crucial. Embracing the morning sunlight promotes better sleep, contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Maintaining a balance between health and wealth is a constant endeavour. For a flourishing life and to preserve both your well-being and financial stability, it’s crucial to modify certain habits starting today. Prioritising a healthy …

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