Chinese scientists find traces of water in lunar soil brought by Chang’e-5 mission — The Indian Panorama

Chinese scientists find traces of water in lunar soil brought by Chang’e-5 mission — The Indian Panorama

Chinese scientists studying the soil samples of the moon brought by Chang’e-5 mission found water molecules in lunar soil, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).The research, carried out jointly by researchers from the Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and the Institute of Physics of CAS and other domestic research institutions, was …

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Scientists develop speech recognition tool to predict Alzheimer’s onset — The Indian Panorama

Scientists develop speech recognition tool to predict Alzheimer’s onset — The Indian Panorama

A new AI-based model could predict the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by analysing an individual’s speech, the developers said. Trained on audio recordings of patients with mild cognitive impairment—early stages of memory loss, the model achieved 78.5 per cent accuracy in forecasting whether patients would remain stable or progress to dementia within six years, according …

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