Breaking the Silence: How to Discuss Sexual Health Concerns with Your Partner

Breaking the Silence: How to Discuss Sexual Health Concerns with Your Partner

The reality is that consistent, satisfying sex is more likely to boost your confidence and make you feel better about what you’ve got. (Image for representation: News18) A few questions about sex health and few minutes extra during consultation can help build a strong doctor patient bond. “The World Health Organization defines sexual health as …

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Let’s Talk Sex | The Hidden Link Between Colours and Your Sex Life

Let’s Talk Sex | The Hidden Link Between Colours and Your Sex Life

Sex may permeate our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow the unscientific advice of their friends. To address the widespread …

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Let’s Talk Sex | Tips for a Healthy Sex Life With Kidney Disease

Let’s Talk Sex | Tips for a Healthy Sex Life With Kidney Disease

Cuddle, give massages, kiss and be intimate in other ways when sex seems tiring. Dialysis and kidney disease often bring physical changes that can impact your sex life. While it may require some patience and experimenting, don’t lose hope. With open communication, creativity, and patience, you can maintain a healthy sex life Sex may permeate …

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How Frequent Should Couples Have Sex For A Healthy Relationship?

How Frequent Should Couples Have Sex For A Healthy Relationship?

Experts recommend having sex at least once a week. A recent report suggests that there’s no set limit on how often you can have sex in a month or week. Sex isn’t just for pleasure or fun, it also has several health benefits. According to research, regular sexual activity has certain benefits – from a …

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France sees explosion in syphilis cases

France sees explosion in syphilis cases

In the past few years, France has seen a steep rise in sexually transmitted infections, but there is one in particular that is rising at an alarming rate: syphilis. Experts are worried. Due to the ongoing fight against HIV, syphilis has long been relegated to a much less talked about second place in French public …

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Ranveer Singh, Johnny Sins and a tacky script walk into a bar

Ranveer Singh, Johnny Sins and a tacky script walk into a bar

It’s important to begin by mentioning Ranveer Singh’s moustache. Everything comes down to it: that is undoubtedly a pimp’s moustache. But Singh is a family man here. The real question, creepy moustache aside, is what brings together a charismatic pornstar, a powerhouse Bollywood actor and performances intentionally in the spirit of a ’90s C-grade film? …

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Google Reveals Most Asked SEX Questions Of 2023

Google Reveals Most Asked SEX Questions Of 2023

Google has unveiled the top-searched sex questions in 2023, reflecting the diverse queries users seek answers to. (Image: Shutterstock) It is always a responsible decision to be well-informed about one’s sex life and the precautions that need to be taken and Google has become a trusted source for the same As individuals increasingly turn to …

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Let’s Talk Sex | Winter is Coming and So is Your Sex Drive: Science Behind Seasonal Spikes in Libido

Breaking the Silence: How to Discuss Sexual Health Concerns with Your Partner

There’s a scientific reason for this seasonal spike in your libido. Science says seasonal changes can influence our libido. When winter rolls in, hormones fluctuate and circadian rhythms shift in ways that stoke our desire for intimacy Sex may permeate our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in …

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