What Is Space Junk And How Does It Affect Us? All You Need To Know

What Is Space Junk And How Does It Affect Us? All You Need To Know

Space junk, or space debris, is a growing problem that poses a global threat to space exploration and human safety. Space junk is basically any machinery or debris left in space by humans. Items range in size from large objects such as failed or dead satellites to tiny objects such as paint flecks and nuts …

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Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter | World News

Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter | World News

By Joey Roulette Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} WASHINGTON, – A defunct Russian satellite has broken up into more than 100 pieces of debris in orbit, forcing astronauts on the International Space Station to take shelter for about an hour and adding to the mass …

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US Space Scientists Rediscover Satellite Missing For 25 Years

US Space Scientists Rediscover Satellite Missing For 25 Years

Launched in 1974, a tiny satellite named IRCB went missing in orbit. In a case of cosmic hide-and-seek, the US Space Force has located a tiny, experimental satellite that went missing in orbit for a staggering 25 years. The satellite, named S73-7 Infra-Red Calibration Balloon (IRCB), was launched in 1974 alongside a massive Cold War-era …

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Science Notebook | NASA reworks Mars Sample Return Mission, CERN measures W Boson width, Spectroscopy distinguishes asteroids from space debris

Science Notebook | NASA reworks Mars Sample Return Mission, CERN measures W Boson width, Spectroscopy distinguishes asteroids from space debris

As part of NASA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR ) programme, the Perseverance rover has been collecting samples since it landed on the Red Planet in 2021, and the return was scheduled to happen in 2031. However, a NASA statement on April 15 suggests that the mission will have to be reworked with a simpler, less …

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Japanese startup aims to shoot down space junk with laser rays

Japanese startup aims to shoot down space junk with laser rays

Last updated on – Jan 19, 2024, 15:40 IST Risk of collisions in Earth’s orbit This Japanese startup aims to address the growing issue of space junk by employing laser technology to eliminate debris orbiting the Earth. The proliferation of satellites over the last few decades, driven by various nations launching their space missions, has …

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Space junk colliding makes ‘signals’ we can detect here on Earth | Technology News

Space junk colliding makes ‘signals’ we can detect here on Earth | Technology News

When pieces of space debris collide, they send out electric signals that can help track small debris littering our planet’s orbit and potentially helping scientists save both satellites and spacecraft. The University of Michigan researchers are proposing a new approach that could help satellite and spacecraft operators detect small pieces of debris orbiting Earth. “Right …

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Surge in space tourism poses risks of increasing space debris | Travel

Surge in space tourism poses risks of increasing space debris | Travel

Commercial companies are increasingly becoming involved in transporting astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), as well as other activities in orbit. Some, such as Houston-based Axiom Space, eventually want to build their own space stations in orbit, where commercial astronauts could make extended stays. This could also provide more money and opportunities for science …

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