NASA’s new mission targets asteroid worth Rs 10000000 crore, enough to buy entire solar system

NASA’s new mission targets asteroid worth Rs 10000000 crore, enough to buy entire solar system

Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope discovered rust on asteroid Psyche, hinting at its water-rich past and complex formation. NASA New Mission: Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scientists have uncovered a significant finding on the metal-rich asteroid Psyche. This discovery involves a component of water, specifically suggesting the presence of rust. This …

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NASA James Webb Telescope Captures Rare Image Of Giant Exoplanet In Nearby Solar System

NASA James Webb Telescope Captures Rare Image Of Giant Exoplanet In Nearby Solar System

Updated Jul 26, 2024, 20:45 IST NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured an image of Epsilon Indi Ab, a massive, cold exoplanet located 12 light-years away. Know details about it. New Exoplanet Discovery: Webb Telescope Images Distant Jupiter-Like Planet. (Image: NASA) NASA‘s James Webb Space Telescope has achieved a remarkable milestone by capturing an image …

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Pune astronomers identify galaxy in Milky Way’s neighbourhood as ‘explosive factory’ of gamma rays

Pune astronomers identify galaxy in Milky Way’s neighbourhood as ‘explosive factory’ of gamma rays

Published in the peer-reviewed journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters Tuesday, the analysis revealed that the data gathered about the collision of the two galactic centres and star formation merely does not explain the amount of the observed gamma ray emission. The study noted that additional high-energy phenomena like pulsars, supernova remnants, or black holes at …

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Moon’s water footprint – Science News

Moon’s water footprint – Science News

A recent study by Indian space scientists suggests that there is a greater possibility of water ice occurring in the polar craters of the moon. The probe has also found that the spatial extent of subsurface water ice is significantly larger than the surface one in both of the lunar polar regions.  The scientists have …

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NASA and SpaceX launch private lunar lander mission

NASA and SpaceX launch private lunar lander mission

NASA will launch the latest mission to the moon late on Tuesday, February 13 (or early on Wednesday, February 14, depending on where you live). As part of its Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, the company Intuitive Machines will launch its first lunar lander, with the aim of delivering science payloads to the surface …

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Tiny Asteroid Sample Unveils Cosmic Secrets

Tiny Asteroid Sample Unveils Cosmic Secrets

The recent arrival of a sample from asteroid  ​​Bennu at the Natural History Museum in London marks a significant milestone in space research. This sample, a small quantity of dark dust and granules, was collected by NASA’s Osiris-Rex spacecraft, which visited Bennu, an over 4.5 billion-year-old asteroid located about 200 million miles from Earth. The …

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Hubble Space Telescope is in safe mode due to a gyro problem

Hubble Space Telescope is in safe mode due to a gyro problem

The Hubble Space Telescope has experienced a problem with its hardware and is currently in safe mode, with science operations paused until the fault can be corrected. The problem is with one of the telescope’s three operational gyros, which are used to control the direction in which the telescope points. When a fault like this …

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A supernova ‘destroyed’ some of Earth’s ozone

A supernova ‘destroyed’ some of Earth’s ozone

By Katrina Miller NEW YORK: On Oct. 9, 2022, telescopes in space picked up a jet of high energy photons careening through the cosmos toward Earth, evidence of a supernova exploding 1.9 billion light-years away. Such events are known as gamma ray bursts, and astronomers who have continued studying this one said it was the …

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