Tablets to increase sperm count: Do these supplements work on men? Harmful effects of prescribing these fertility pills | Health

Tablets to increase sperm count: Do these supplements work on men? Harmful effects of prescribing these fertility pills | Health

Male infertility can be due to various health conditions and lifestyle factors, which lead to poor sperm parameters including sperm count, movement and shape that can lower the chances of pregnancy and one important factor is a low sperm count. There is a common misconception that taking tablets or supplements can significantly increase sperm count …

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Ageing and infertility in men: Effects of age on male fertility, strategies for maintaining reproductive health

Ageing and infertility in men: Effects of age on male fertility, strategies for maintaining reproductive health

As couples plan their journey towards parenthood, discussions about fertility often focus primarily on the woman’s age however, it is crucial to recognise that male age also plays a significant role in reproductive success. In recent years, research has shed light on how advancing age affects sperm quality and fertility outcomes in men. We all …

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How Long Does It Take for Sperm to Regenerate? The Answer Revealed

How Long Does It Take for Sperm to Regenerate? The Answer Revealed

Sperm production and regeneration is a complex biological process. (Representative image/Pixabay) Sperm production, known as spermatogenesis, is an ongoing process. Your body is continually making millions of new sperm each day to maintain a healthy level of fertility. However, if you ejaculate frequently, your sperm count may temporarily drop Sex may permeate our popular culture, …

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5 Benefits Of Consuming Cloves Everyday

5 Benefits Of Consuming Cloves Everyday

Cloves are used for many problems, ranging from colds to coughs. Clove flowers, clove oil, clove powder, etc. have a lot of benefits for people. Indian spices are famous all over the world. They have innumerable benefits that can provide relief from various diseases. These spices and herbs have been used for many years and …

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