Five advanced treatments that are giving stroke patients new hope

Five advanced treatments that are giving stroke patients new hope

Stroke, a leading cause of disability and death globally, has had significant treatment advancements over the past decade. In India, the annual incidence of stroke over the past 20 years has ranged from 105 to 152 cases per 100,000 people, varying across regions. While the burden of stroke is substantial due to a large and …

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The Crucial Need for Aggressive Intervention to Prevent Heart Diseases, ET HealthWorld

The Crucial Need for Aggressive Intervention to Prevent Heart Diseases, ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: The intersection of diabetes and heart disease poses a formidable public health challenge, particularly in countries like India, where the prevalence of diabetes is on a distressing upward trajectory, even among younger demographics. This rise necessitates a focused strategy on aggressive intervention to mitigate the associated risks of cardiovascular diseases in diabetic individuals, especially …

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What is the recommended daily dosage for fish oil supplements?

What is the recommended daily dosage for fish oil supplements?

We all know the heart-healthy staples: vegetables, low-fat dairy, and lean protein like fish. Fatty fish like salmon boast an extra benefit – omega-3 fatty acids, thought to improve good cholesterol and lower triglycerides. But recent research suggests a more nuanced picture for fish oil supplements and heart disease prevention. A new study in BMJ …

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Early blood pressure control in ambulances shows no clear benefit for stroke patients, study finds

Early blood pressure control in ambulances shows no clear benefit for stroke patients, study finds

A recent New England Journal of Medicine study assesses whether early blood-pressure control within ambulances leads to favorable clinical outcomes among patients with undifferentiated acute stroke. Study: Intensive Ambulance-Delivered Blood-Pressure Reduction in Hyperacute Stroke. Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala / Treating stroke Intensive treatment to lower blood pressure levels is often clinically beneficial in patients with acute …

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High BP in childhood may raise risk of heart attack later: Study

High BP in childhood may raise risk of heart attack later: Study

Hypertension is known to affect one in every 15 children and adolescents worldwide and has become a growing concern Image for representational purposes only. Photo Courtesy: iStock Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio Hypertension in childhood and adolescence may raise the long-term risk of serious heart conditions like stroke and heart attack, …

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Traffic noise raises risk of cardiovascular diseases: Study – India TV

Traffic noise raises risk of cardiovascular diseases: Study – India TV

Image Source : FILE IMAGE Traffic noise raises risk of cardiovascular diseases Researchers have discovered a concerning correlation between heightened traffic noise and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks. This revelation underscores the urgency for recognising traffic noise pollution as a significant risk factor for such conditions. An international team of researchers …

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Claims That Intermittent Fasting Increases Death Risk By 91% Are Premature

Claims That Intermittent Fasting Increases Death Risk By 91% Are Premature

claiming that a scientific study has linked intermittent fasting to a 91% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease. But a closer look at this study that was presented at the American Heart Association’s (AHA’s) Epidemiology and Prevention│Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Scientific Sessions 2024 on March 18 in Chicago, Illinois, reveals a buffet of limitations that …

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