Love Mint? What Are Its Advantages, Side Effects And Who Should Have It?

Love Mint? What Are Its Advantages, Side Effects And Who Should Have It?

Consuming mint in moderation is important. Mint is known for helping with digestion and stomach issues. Its relaxing effect on the digestive system helps with problems like indigestion. Many of the ingredients in our food have medical properties that can benefit our health. Mint is one of them that comes with many health benefits. Mint …

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Diet, lifestyle, other tips critical in preventing and managing PCOS | Health

Diet, lifestyle, other tips critical in preventing and managing PCOS | Health

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a prevalent health condition impacting women in their reproductive years (15-49 years), with a reported global prevalence ranging from 4% to 20% (affecting approximately 8 to 40 crore women worldwide). In India, the prevalence is notably high, reportedly ranging from 3.7% to 22.5% (impacting about 1.3 to 7.9 crore …

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Weight Loss To Itching, Understanding The Symptoms Of Liver Cancer

Weight Loss To Itching, Understanding The Symptoms Of Liver Cancer

Symptoms of liver cancer often appear in the advanced stages. Liver cancer can be classified into two main types: primary and secondary. Liver cancer is reportedly on the rise in the United States, posing a significant health problem. It can be classified into two main types: primary and secondary. The primary liver cancer starts directly …

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Throat Cancer: A guide to early detection and timely intervention |

Throat Cancer: A guide to early detection and timely intervention |

Throat cancer, encompassing cancers of the larynx, pharynx, and tonsils, manifests through a range of symptoms that demand attention and swift action. Linked to factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain viral infections, early detection is crucial for successful treatment. Treatment may involve surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.Regular medical check-ups and lifestyle …

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What are the warning signs of prostate cancer?

What are the warning signs of prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the prostate, a small walnut-shaped gland in the male reproductive system. It is the second most common cancer among males in the U.S. Most people with stage I prostate cancer don’t show any symptoms. “For prostate cancer to cause symptoms, it may be at an …

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What is fungal pneumonia? Learn about its symptoms, risk groups, occurrence, and management

What is fungal pneumonia? Learn about its symptoms, risk groups, occurrence, and management

Pneumonia is an infection affecting the lung air sacs, known as alveoli. In individuals with pneumonia, these alveoli become congested with pus and fluid, resulting in discomfort during breathing and a diminished intake of oxygen. The condition can be attributed to various infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Fungal pneumonia, also known as fungal …

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5 Common Symptoms of Glucose Spike in Individuals with Diabetes

5 Common Symptoms of Glucose Spike in Individuals with Diabetes

As the outside temperature rises, it results in heat exhaustion and heat stroke. French biochemist and author Jessie Inchauspe recently posted on Instagram about the various symptoms that increased blood sugar may cause in diabetic people. Let’s take a look at these symptoms. High blood sugar can have negative effects on individuals with both type …

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