Bone-Enhancing Peptide Shows Promise as Therapeutic for Osteoporosis and MSK Disorders

Bone-Enhancing Peptide Shows Promise as Therapeutic for Osteoporosis and MSK Disorders

Studies by University of Birmingham researchers suggest that a naturally occurring peptide known as PEPITEM (Peptide Inhibitor of Trans-Endothelial Migration), could represent a promising potential therapeutic for osteoporosis and other disorders that feature bone loss, and offer distinct advantages compared with existing drugs. PEPITEM was first identified in 2015 by University of Birmingham researchers. The …

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Microbiome Helps Identify Who Benefits from Combination Immunotherapy

Microbiome Helps Identify Who Benefits from Combination Immunotherapy

A new study by researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute in Australia, and collaborators, have identified specific strains of bacteria that are linked with a positive response to combination immunotherapy in the largest study of its kind. The study is published in Nature Medicine in an article titled, “A …

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A Chimeric Oncolytic Virus and T Cell for Cancer Immunotherapy

A Chimeric Oncolytic Virus and T Cell for Cancer Immunotherapy

An innovative method known as ONCOTECH has been developed by researchers to physically attach oncolytic adenoviruses to T-cell surfaces through the interaction of antigens and receptors. To accomplish this, the viruses, which encode a Cas9 system targeting immune checkpoint inhibitor genes, are encased in cell membranes that bear T-cell-specific antigens and delivered intravenously into tumors. …

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Stress-Induced Immune Cell Metalloproteinase Alters Brain

Stress-Induced Immune Cell Metalloproteinase Alters Brain

According to new research from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, stress promotes immune cell interactions with the brain to control social behavior through a circulating myeloid cell-specific proteinase. In the serum of humans with major depressive disorder (MDD) and stress-susceptible mice subjected to chronic stress, the researchers identified increases in a specific …

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Immune Response and Not Acute Viral Infections Found Responsible for Neurological Damage

Immune Response and Not Acute Viral Infections Found Responsible for Neurological Damage

Scientists at McMaster University report that they have found that it is the immune system response, and not acute viral infections like Zika or COVID-19, that is directly responsive for neurological damage. They published their study “Bystander activated CD8+ T cells mediate neuropathology during viral infection via antigen-independent cytotoxicity” in Nature Communications. “Although many viral …

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Machine Learning Tool, A-Plus, Makes the Grade for Liquid Biopsies

Machine Learning Tool, A-Plus, Makes the Grade for Liquid Biopsies

Researchers at City of Hope, and at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), have developed and tested a machine-learning approach that they suggest could one day enable earlier blood-based detection of cancer in patients, using only small blood draws. The technology is based on an algorithm called Alu Profile Learning Using Sequencing (A-PLUS), which the …

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IBS Drug Restores Chemotherapy Effectiveness against Resistant Prostate Cancer

IBS Drug Restores Chemotherapy Effectiveness against Resistant Prostate Cancer

Research by a Washington State University-led team of scientists has identified a receptor protein, CHRM1, as a key player in prostate cancer (PC) cells’ resistance to docetaxel (DTX), a chemotherapy drug used to treat advanced cancer that has spread beyond the prostate. The team’s study also showed that in resistant prostate cancer cell lines, and …

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Newly Identified Genes Linked to Depression Uncovered

Newly Identified Genes Linked to Depression Uncovered

A team of researchers led by the University of College London (UCL) has discovered over 200 genes linked to depression in a worldwide study. The team found more than 50 new genetic loci and 205 novel genes that are associated with depression, in the first large-scale global study of the genetics of major depression in …

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Gene Therapy May Reduce Seizures in Childhood Epilepsy

Gene Therapy May Reduce Seizures in Childhood Epilepsy

Focal cortical dysplasia is caused by areas of the brain that have developed abnormally and is among the most common causes of drug-resistant epilepsy in children. It frequently occurs in the frontal lobes, which are important for planning and decision-making. Epilepsy in focal cortical dysplasia is associated with comorbidities, including learning disabilities. UCL Queen Square …

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Novel Immunotherapy Strategy for Autoimmune Disease

Novel Immunotherapy Strategy for Autoimmune Disease

Researchers at the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity discovered distinct mechanisms controlling different types of immune cells, and found that by targeting these mechanisms, they could selectively eliminate “problematic cells” and reshape the skin’s immune landscape. Their findings may lead to new treatments for autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis and vitiligo. Their new …

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