5 health benefits of Star Fruit – India TV

5 health benefits of Star Fruit – India TV

Image Source : GOGGLE 5 health benefits of Star Fruit In the realm of exotic fruits, star fruit stands out not only for its distinctive shape but also for its impressive array of health benefits. Scientifically known as Averrhoa carambola, this tropical fruit is native to Southeast Asia but has gained popularity worldwide due to …

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Sapota season: Exploring Chikoo’s tasty delights and health benefits

Sapota season: Exploring Chikoo’s tasty delights and health benefits

Chikoo, also known as Sapota, is a delightful tropical fruit celebrated for its sweet and caramel-like flavor. As a seasonal gem, Chikoo offers a versatile addition to culinary delights with its luscious texture and distinct taste. Beyond its culinary appeal, this fruit is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Whether enjoyed …

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Powerhouse food for weight loss, cholesterol management, and healthy heart? Why papaya should be on your diet | Health and Wellness News

Powerhouse food for weight loss, cholesterol management, and healthy heart? Why papaya should be on your diet | Health and Wellness News

Papaya, a tropical fruit abundant in nutrients and enzymes, isn’t only a favorite for weight watchers due to its low calorie content and high fiber; it also stands out as a heart-healthy powerhouse. From a medical standpoint, various factors contribute to papaya’s significance in promoting overall well-being, particularly in the realm of heart health. 1. …

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