Research uncovers link between reproductive factors and COPD risk in women

Research uncovers link between reproductive factors and COPD risk in women

A range of reproductive factors, including age when periods first start and an early menopause, are all linked to a heightened risk of COPD—the umbrella term for progressive lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties—finds research published online in the journal Thorax. Miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, and having 3 or more children are also associated with a heightened …

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Researchers discover wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia, ET HealthWorld

Researchers discover wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia, ET HealthWorld

England: Researchers discovered a wide range of risk factors for young-onset dementia. The findings bring the notion that heredity is the only cause of the disease into question, paving the potential for innovative prevention measures. The full study is entitled ‘Risk factors for young-onset dementia in the UK Biobank: A prospective population-based study’, published in …

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Study finds link between early coronary heart disease and dementia

Study finds link between early coronary heart disease and dementia

Adults diagnosed with coronary heart disease, especially before the age of 45, may be at increased risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia later in life, according to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access, peer-reviewed journal of the American Heart Association. Coronary heart …

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