Russia-Ukraine war: When Jawaharlal Nehru helped end bloody Korean War

Russia-Ukraine war: When Jawaharlal Nehru helped end bloody Korean War

“It is a sad commentary on our times that, whether one country sets out to enslave another or whether it seeks to liberate it, the consequences are exactly the same. In either case, it is death and misery for millions,” Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, troubled by bloodshed and violence in the Korean Peninsula and …

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ukraine war: Russia-Ukraine war: Why people are getting legs broken by doctors

ukraine war: Russia-Ukraine war: Why people are getting legs broken by doctors

As Ukraine faces a severe shortage of soldiers, its government has introduced harsh punishment for draft dodgers. Men are trying to avoid getting drafted into military in innovative ways. One of these is getting your legs broken by a doctor. Local media in Ukraine has reported advertisements on Telegram which offered “a unique opportunity to …

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Turkey’s parliament boycotts Coca-Cola, Nestle from menu over alleged support for Israel

Turkey’s parliament boycotts Coca-Cola, Nestle from menu over alleged support for Israel

Israel-Hamas war: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan-led Turkey’s parliament on Tuesday removed Coca-Cola and Nestle products from its restaurants’ menu over the companies’ alleged support for Israel in the ongoing war with Hamas fighters. The Turkish parliament statement read, “It was decided that the products of companies that support Israel will not be sold in restaurants, …

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