Let’s Talk Sex | Can a Penis Actually Get Stuck Inside A Vagina? All You Need to Know About Penis Captivus

Let’s Talk Sex | Can a Penis Actually Get Stuck Inside A Vagina? All You Need to Know About Penis Captivus

The supposed mechanism behind penis captivus involves strong vaginal muscle contractions that clamp down on an engorged penis, making withdrawal difficult. (Image for representation: News18) While penis captivus has been the subject of exaggerated stories, medical professionals largely question its existence due to the scarcity of verified cases. The condition, if it occurs at all, …

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Dr. Abidemi Junaid on the Groundbreaking Vagina Chip

Dr. Abidemi Junaid on the Groundbreaking Vagina Chip

In this insightful interview from SLAS 2024, we talk with Dr. Abidemi Junaid, a scientist at the Hansjörg Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. Junaid spearheads the development of the human Vagina Chip, a pioneering tool designed to study host-microbiome interactions in bacterial vaginosis and pave the way for biotherapeutic development and validation. …

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Let’s Talk Sex | Do You Have Pain or Discharge in Your Vagina or Penis? You May Have Chlamydia

Let’s Talk Sex | Do You Have Pain or Discharge in Your Vagina or Penis? You May Have Chlamydia

Sex may permeate our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow the unscientific advice of their friends. To address the widespread …

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