The dominant model of the universe is creaking

The dominant model of the universe is creaking

In Arizona, at Kitt Peak National Observatory, a telescope has spent three years building a three-dimensional map of the heavens. In examining the light from tens of millions of galaxies, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) may have found something astounding. DESI, as its name suggests, is a tool to investigate the nature of dark …

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Telescope Will Detect Stellar Flares And Strange Far-Flung Explosions

Telescope Will Detect Stellar Flares And Strange Far-Flung Explosions

Red dwarf star getty As one of the most anticipated ground-based telescopes ever constructed, the Vera Rubin Observatory in Northern Chile is on the cusp of finally seeing fruition. Once its wide-field camera sees scientific first light early next year, it will begin looking for the telltale optical signatures of supernovae that lie millions or …

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