When Sadhguru detailed why a fruit diet is good for you | Food-wine News

When Sadhguru detailed why a fruit diet is good for you | Food-wine News

Many can’t get enough of fruits in their diet. But if you want to meet your fitness goals, and feel agile and alive, including fruits in your everyday diet can bring “miraculous” benefits. Calling fruits the most effective food for digestion, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev spoke about why they are a must in one’s diet. “Fruits …

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Stressed Out? These 8 Food Items Will Help You Feel Better

Stressed Out? These 8 Food Items Will Help You Feel Better

Many food items can increase stress and anxiety. Consuming and adding these stress-reducing foods into your diet can have a positive impact on your mental health. In today’s world, stress and anxiety have become common issues and are affecting the mental well-being of many people. There are many ways to manage stress and reduce anxiety, …

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5 Vitamins Women Should Include in Their Daily Health Routine

5 Vitamins Women Should Include in Their Daily Health Routine

Vitamin E capsules can also reduce the depth of a scar. Vitamins play an important role in shaping everyday health and wellness of women According to a UNICEF report of 2023, more than a billion adolescent girls and women suffer from anaemia, micronutrient deficiencies, or undernutrition. While each woman has unique needs, there are certain …

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How To Use A Sheet Mask? A Look At Its Benefits

How To Use A Sheet Mask? A Look At Its Benefits

Sheet Mask contains moisture that the skin can absorb quickly. Sheet mask is a thin fabric that is infused with hydrating and essential fluids needed by our skin. When it comes to skincare, every individual has a different routine to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Some of us give priority to ingredients which are …

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Sapota season: Exploring Chikoo’s tasty delights and health benefits

Sapota season: Exploring Chikoo’s tasty delights and health benefits

Chikoo, also known as Sapota, is a delightful tropical fruit celebrated for its sweet and caramel-like flavor. As a seasonal gem, Chikoo offers a versatile addition to culinary delights with its luscious texture and distinct taste. Beyond its culinary appeal, this fruit is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Whether enjoyed …

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Blueberries Benefits: Benefits Of adding blueberries to your diet |

Blueberries Benefits: Benefits Of adding blueberries to your diet |

Blueberries, often hailed as nature’s tiny superfood, bring a burst of flavor and a myriad of health benefits to the table, making them a delightful addition to your diet. Packed with antioxidants, these small, vibrant berries play a crucial role in supporting overall well-being. The rich presence of anthocyanins, flavonoids, and vitamin C in blueberries …

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Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Obesity Unclear

Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Obesity Unclear

MADRID — The role of vitamin D in the risk for overweight and obesity has been the subject of multiple studies. Though there’s still not enough evidence to reach a decisive conclusion, several ongoing debates are setting the stage for future research. Irene Bretón, MD, PhD, discussed these debates in a presentation titled “Vitamin D …

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Underdiagnosed: Anemia in Pregnancy

Underdiagnosed: Anemia in Pregnancy

Jerome J. Federspiel, MD, often cares for patients who are about to deliver a baby but who have untreated iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Often, these patients require a blood transfusion after giving birth. “I am sad to hear commonly from patients we treat that they have had iron-deficient anemia symptoms for many years. Correcting these …

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Treatment Choices for Atopic Dermatitis

Treatment Choices for Atopic Dermatitis

This transcript has been edited for clarity. Steven R. Feldman, MD, PhD: Hi. I’m Dr Steve Feldman, professor of dermatology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Peter Lio, MD: And I’m Dr Peter Lio. I’m a clinical assistant professor of dermatology and pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of …

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7 Nutrient-Rich Foods You Need for A Stronger Immunity Amid Polluted Weather

7 Nutrient-Rich Foods You Need for A Stronger Immunity Amid Polluted Weather

seven nourishing foods that can enhance your immune system, promoting health and resilience to battle pollution and other pathogens. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet is key to maintaining a strong and resilient immune system A robust immune system is your body’s best defense against infections and illnesses. While various factors contribute to immunity, diet plays …

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