Here’s Your Checklist for Maintaining Reproductive Health for Different Age Groups

Here’s Your Checklist for Maintaining Reproductive Health for Different Age Groups

By prioritizing women’s reproductive health and implementing evidence-based strategies, we can empower women to lead healthier lives and contribute to the overall well-being of society. Given the varying needs and concerns across different age groups, maintaining reproductive health requires tailored approaches Reproductive health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, encompassing a wide range of …

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The BII & Science Translational Medicine Prize launched for recognizing breakthroughs in women’s health

The BII & Science Translational Medicine Prize launched for recognizing breakthroughs in women’s health

In collaboration with the BioInnovation Institute (BII), AAAS is announcing the establishment of the BII & Science Translational Medicine Prize for Innovations in Women’s Health. Submissions are now open for the first year of the prize, which will be awarded in 2025. The new award will aim to recognize and elevate scientists who have made …

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High rate of maternal hypozincaemia among Indian women

High rate of maternal hypozincaemia among Indian women

Researchers conducted a secondary analysis on the Women First Preconception Maternal Nutrition Trial and found high rates of maternal hypozincaemia despite daily zinc supplementation for the Indian cohort. “Despite daily zinc supplementation for at least seven months or more, high rates of maternal hypozincaemia were observed. The association of hypozincaemia with impaired foetal growth suggests …

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Women Must Do These 9 Crucial Tests Every 3-4 Months For The Sake Of Their Health; Find Out

Women Must Do These 9 Crucial Tests Every 3-4 Months For The Sake Of Their Health; Find Out

For women, who mostly prioritise the health and well-being of their loved ones, regular screenings serve as a reminder for them to prioritise their own health and self-care. By monitoring blood pressure quarterly, women can avoid serious cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. (Photo: Freepik) Regular health screenings are especially important for women for …

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Perimenopause linked to a higher risk of depression in women

Perimenopause linked to a higher risk of depression in women

image: @PeopleImages : iStock The mental health challenges women face during the perimenopause stage are often overlooked – but how serious are they, and why must we destigmatise menopause? Researchers at University College London decided to highlight this mental health struggle many women face during perimenopause.  The research reveals that women going through perimenopause are …

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Dr. Abidemi Junaid on the Groundbreaking Vagina Chip

Dr. Abidemi Junaid on the Groundbreaking Vagina Chip

In this insightful interview from SLAS 2024, we talk with Dr. Abidemi Junaid, a scientist at the Hansjörg Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. Junaid spearheads the development of the human Vagina Chip, a pioneering tool designed to study host-microbiome interactions in bacterial vaginosis and pave the way for biotherapeutic development and validation. …

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Shifting patterns in cervical cancer cases in women in their 30s and 40s

Shifting patterns in cervical cancer cases in women in their 30s and 40s

Screening guidelines for cervical cancer have changed and become more complex over the last decade. Credit: Africa Studio via Shutterstock. Cervical cancer is one the most common cancers in women; its main cause is long-lasting infection with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV). GlobalData’s epidemiology forecast estimates that in the US in 2024 there will …

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Research uncovers link between reproductive factors and COPD risk in women

Research uncovers link between reproductive factors and COPD risk in women

A range of reproductive factors, including age when periods first start and an early menopause, are all linked to a heightened risk of COPD—the umbrella term for progressive lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties—finds research published online in the journal Thorax. Miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, and having 3 or more children are also associated with a heightened …

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Women Have Greater Mortality With Alcohol-Related Liver Disease

Women Have Greater Mortality With Alcohol-Related Liver Disease

THURSDAY, Feb. 1, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Women with fatty liver disease related to alcohol consumption have almost twice the risk for dying within a certain time period than men with the same condition, according to a letter to the editor published in the February issue of the Journal of Hepatology. Hongwei Ji, from the Affiliated …

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