Prabhas, the globally celebrated Telugu actor, recently scored a massive blockbuster with Kalki 2898 AD, a mytho sci-fi epic directed by Nag Ashwin. Building on this success, Prabhas has now joined forces with Sita Ramam director Hanu Raghavapudi for an exciting new project.

The pooja ceremony for this war-based love action drama was recently held in Hyderabad, with Imanvi confirmed as the female lead. However, social media is now buzzing with an old video that has stirred doubts among Nani fans.

In the video, Hanu Raghavapudi revealed that he and Nani had discussed a war-based film, and clarified that it wasn’t Sita Ramam. This has led to speculation that the newly announced film with Prabhas might be the same project Hanu had talked about. Some fans even suspect that Nani was initially considered for the lead role. These rumours are growing, and only Hanu Raghavapudi’s clarification can put an end to the speculation.

Mythri Movie Makers is sparing no expense on this project, aiming to deliver a grand cinematic experience. Vishal Chandrasekhar is meticulously crafting the soundtrack for this big-budget film, which is set to begin production soon.

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