WWE SummerSlam Results – 8/3/24 (Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa in a Bloodline Rules Match, CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre)

WWE SummerSlam Results
August 3, 2024
Cleveland, Ohio (Cleveland Browns Stadium)
Commentary: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee, and Corey Graves
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

It’s time for the 37th annual SummerSlam.

Jelly Roll performs a rendition of “God Bless America.”


WWE Chief Content Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque comes out to the stage. Triple H asks, “Are you ready?” Triple H welcomes everyone to SummerSlam before throwing it back to Jelly Roll.

In the ring, Jelly Roll performs “Liar” as videos flash on the screen of the WWE Superstars who will compete at tonight’s SummerSlam.

The Miz, the host of SummerSlam, is in the crowd. His hometown crowd gives him a great reception. The biggest party of the summer starts right now!

Backstage Segment

Rhea Ripley is walking backstage and gets embraced by “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio. They walk to the Gorilla Position and make their entrance. This will be Rhea Ripley’s first televised match since retaining the Women’s World Championship against Becky Lynch at WrestleMania XL.

Women’s World Championship
Rhea Ripley w/ “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio vs. Liv Morgan (c)

Referee Eddie Orenga is wearing a Referee Cam in his ear. The last time Rhea Ripley lost a singles match was 26 months ago to Liv Morgan.

The bell rings, and the opening match of SummerSlam, presented by Wheatley American Vodka, begins. They stare at each other before Ripley approaches her. Morgan quickly gets out of the ring and taunts her from ringside. Ripley goes outside and chases her, but Morgan gets in the ring and laughs at her. Ripley looks frustrated. Ripley gets in the ring, but Morgan quickly gets out. Ripley shouts at her and goes outside, but Morgan gets in the ring. Ripley is not happy. Ripley gets in the ring, and once again, Morgan gets out. Ripley fakes getting out of the ring, so Morgan gets in the ring and finds herself face-to-face with her challenger.

Ripley blocks a right hand and hits a pair of short-arm clotheslines. Ripley ducks an attack and hits a third short-arm clothesline. Ripley connects with a half-and-half suplex, sending Morgan in a heap to ringside. Ripley goes outside and high-fives Mysterio before licking his cheek in front of a jealous Morgan. Ripley attacks Morgan and bounces her off the barricade before chopping her chest. Ripley bounces Morgan’s face off the ring steps a few times before putting her in the ring. Ripley sizes Morgan up on the mat and goes for a clothesline, but Morgan ducks it. Ripley quickly rebounds with a vicious head-butt. Ripley hits a Rip Tide into the top turnbuckle. Ripley goes for a Rip Tide in the center of the ring, but Morgan slides off and retreats to the corner. Ripley approaches, but Morgan pulls her into the second turnbuckle.

Morgan grabs Ripley and shoves her recently healed shoulder into the ring post. Ripley’s shoulder appears to be dislocated and her right arm is dangling. Ripley shouts, “It’s out!” The referee asks if she wants to stop the match, but Ripley refuses. Ripley gets out of the ring, but Morgan attacks her at ringside and big boots her into the ring steps. Morgan stomps Ripley and puts her in the ring for a two-count. Morgan stomps her down before wrenching the injured arm and slamming her down. Morgan covers for a two-count. Morgan pulls Ripley’s hair and shouts, “This is my revenge tour!” Morgan applies an armbar to Ripley’s injured shoulder. Morgan gets up and kicks away at the shoulder. Morgan applies an overhead wristlock and comes off the ropes with a codebreaker to the shoulder. Ripley manages to get to her feet and big boots Morgan down.

Ripley goes to ringside, and Mysterio checks on her. Mysterio then pushes Ripley out of the way and takes a suicide dive from Morgan. Ripley attacks Morgan and puts her in the ring. Ripley paces at ringside before slamming her shoulder into the commentary table to pop her shoulder back into place! Morgan looks shocked. Ripley gets in the ring and unloads on Morgan with stiff forearm shots, followed by a kick to the head. Ripley viciously dropkicks her into the corner. Ripley lifts Morgan and slams her down onto the mat for a two-count. Ripley saunters around the ring and goes for a Rip Tide, but Morgan counters into a DDT. Morgan covers 1… 2… Ripley kicks out! Ripley rubs her injured shoulder on the mat before hitting a snap kick to Morgan’s head. Morgan knocks Ripley back and goes to the second rope, but Ripley rips her down to the canvas. Ripley then applies a Prism Trap! Morgan screams in pain, but she manages to twist out and send Ripley into the turnbuckle. Morgan catches her with a crucifix driver for a near fall!

Morgan quickly grabs Ripley’s arm for an armbar, but Ripley desperately fights to block it. Ripley fights up and powers Morgan up for a powerbomb to pick up a near fall. Ripley holds her shoulder in pain and looks frustrated. A “Mami” chant picks up. Ripley grabs Morgan by the hair and talks trash, but Morgan head-butts her. Ripley is not pleased and grabs her on the apron, but Morgan snaps her off the middle rope. Morgan goes to the timekeeper’s area and grabs a steel chair. Morgan gets in the ring with the chair and is perhaps looking to be disqualified. Ripley snaps her injured shoulder into the top turnbuckle a few times before kicking Morgan down. Ripley connects with a Rip Tide in the center of the ring. Rather than going for the cover, Ripley grabs the chair that Morgan brought into the ring. Ripley goes to smash Morgan with the chair, which would cause her to lose this match, but Mysterio jumps up onto the apron and pulls the chair out of her hand! Mysterio tries to talk sense into her so she doesn’t get disqualified. Morgan knocks Ripley into Mysterio, knocking him off the apron. Morgan connects with Ob-Liv-ion and covers! 1… 2… Ripley barely kicks out, and the crowd is going wild!

Mysterio slides the steel chair into the ring to Ripley and gets on the apron to distract the referee. Morgan hits Ripley with an Ob-Liv-ion on the steel chair and covers the Eradicator for the win!

Winner by Pinfall and still Women’s World Champion: Liv Morgan

Mysterio is smiling at ringside. Morgan gets her title and sits at ringside. Mysterio helps Morgan up and kisses her on the lips! Ripley looks upset in the ring. Mysterio walks off arm in arm with Morgan. Michael Cole shouts, “Dominik, you two-timing, no good son of a bitch!” Pat McAfee calls him a “piece of s–t.”

WWE is coming to Fanatics Fest from August 16-18.

Backstage Segment

WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn is warming up backstage.

Video: WWE Intercontinental Championship

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

In the Judgment Day Clubhouse, World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest storms in and demands to know where “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio is. Priest grabs Finn Bálor by the shirt and asks if he knew about this. Bálor says he didn’t know. Priest wants to find that “little prick.” JD McDonagh says they’ll find Mysterio. McDonagh, Carlito, and Bálor walk off. Priest says, “Finn… kill this kid.”

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Bron Breakker vs. Sami Zayn (c)

The bell rings, and Breakker immediately charges Zayn. Zayn leapfrogs him, and Breakker hits the ring post shoulder-first. Breakker falls out of the ring. Zayn wipes him out with a somersault senton before getting him in the ring. Breakker stumbles around the ring and holds his shoulder. Zayn goes to the top rope and leaps, but Breakker avoids him. Breakker hits a corner clothesline and backs up. Zayn tries to surprise him with a Helluva Kick, but Breakker avoids it. Breakker goes for a military press, but his shoulder gives out. Zayn hits the ropes, but Breakker turns him inside out with a big clothesline.

Breakker hits some shoulder thrusts in the corner before punching away at him. The referee backs him up and admonishes him. Breakker shouts, “It’s over.” Zayn tries to catch him with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles, but Breakker blocks it. Breakker puts Zayn on the top rope, but Zayn elbows him down. Breakker quickly scales the ropes and hits a Frankensteiner for a near fall! Breakker talks trash and presses him against the ropes before punching him hard in the midsection a few times. Breakker shouts at Zayn and tells him to quit. Zayn responds with some slaps to the face. Breakker knees him and sends him into the ropes, but Zayn springboards over him and hits a clothesline. Zayn goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Breakker stops it. Zayn tries again, but Breakker (sort of) flips through it. Breakker pops up and goes to the second rope. Breakker goes for a diving bulldog, but Zayn counters into a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

Zayn grabs Breakker, but Breakker wipes him out with a leaping knee to the face. Breakker approaches him in the corner, but Zayn catches him with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles. Zayn sets up for a Helluva Kick and charges, but Breakker spears him down! Breakker pulls the straps down and starts hitting the ropes at 23 mph before hitting another spear! 1… 2… 3!

Winner by Pinfall and new WWE Intercontinental Champion: Bron Breakker

Video: The Slim Jim Savage Moment of the Summer was Drew McIntyre viciously attacking CM Punk at SmackDown in Chicago.

Stephanie McMahon is at ringside.

Video: United States Championship

United States Champion Logan Paul makes his entrance alongside rap star MGK.

Backstage Segment

LA Knight comes out of the Prime Energy Truck that he stole from Logan Paul last night. Knight says he’s returning it to Paul, but the tint on the windows has been driving him crazy all day. Knight grabs a pipe and smashes the window in.

United States Championship
“The Maverick” Logan Paul (c) vs. LA Knight

As LA Knight goes to pose for his entrance, Logan Paul attacks him. They brawl at ringside until Knight head-butts him. Knight then drives Paul hard into the barricade. Knight bounces Paul off the ring apron and whips him into the Prime Energy Hydration Station. Knight taunts MGK. Paul spits some Prime Drink into his face and spears Knight into the apron. Paul starts to clear the commentary table. Knight pops up and bounces Paul’s face off the table a few times before smashing him in the head with a Prime Energy Drink. Knight puts Paul on the commentary table and puts him on his shoulders for a torture rack neckbreaker! The table doesn’t break!

Knight puts Paul in the ring, and the bell rings to start the match. Knight shoulders away at Paul’s midsection before sending him into the ropes. Knight lowers his head and eats a kick, but he comes right back with an inverted atomic drop, followed by a clothesline for a two-count. Knight does some theatrics and goes for an elbow drop, but Knight gets the knees up. Knight goes for a back suplex, but Paul flips through and sends him into the ring post shoulder-first. That’s three matches in a row with this spot. Paul sends him into the ring post again. Paul tries for a third time, but Knight fights out. Paul quickly clotheslines him down before punching away at him. The crowd shouts, “You suck” at Paul. Paul taunts them and big boots Knight down. Paul hits a split leg drop (Hogan Paul) for a near fall.

They begin trading right hands before Knight kicks him and starts to jab at him. Knight counters a whip into a gutwrench suplex for a two-count. Knight hits an alley-oop for a two-count. Paul mocks LA Knight and hits the ropes, but Knight pops up and hits a powerslam. Knight gets up and tackles Paul into the corner before unloading on him with right hands. Knight sends him sternum-first into the turnbuckles before grabbing him by the throat and pushing him to the corner before punching him down. Knight connects with a running knee before pacing around the ring. Paul misses a clothesline, and Knight connects with a Side Effect. Knight goes to the second rope and waits for Paul to roll over. Knight leaps to the top rope and hits a diving elbow drop for a near fall.

Knight sets up for a torture rack neckbreaker, but Paul fights out. Paul sends him to the apron and connects with a springboard clothesline to knock him to the floor. Paul sizes him up and hits a WILD springboard moonsault to the floor! Wow! Paul gets Knight in the ring and balls up his steel-reinforced fist. Knight ducks a KO Punch and goes for Blunt Force Trauma, but Paul counters into a backslide pin for a two-count. Paul absolutely rocks Knight with the KO Punch and covers 1… 2…, but Knight kicks out! Paul cannot believe it.

Paul heads to the top rope and dives for a Frog Splash, but Knight avoids it. Knight goes for BFT, but Paul slings him down to the mat. Paul goes to the middle rope and boots Knight back. Knight leaps to the top rope and hits a wicked superplex! Paul landed high on his shoulders. Knight covers and picks up a near fall!

Paul rolls out of the ring to recover and rakes Knight’s eyes. Then, Paul starts going to his cronies at ringside, including Jeff, who has helped him win a few matches. Knight wipes out Paul with a baseball slide before attacking Jeff and another member of the Paul entourage. Paul quickly attacks Knight and puts him in the ring. MGK goes to ringside and gives Paul a pair of brass knuckles he was wearing as a necklace. Knight grabs Paul from the ring, but Knight punches him with the brass knuckles! Paul goes for a Buckshot Lariat, but Knight counters into BFT for the win!

Winner by Pinfall and new United States Champion: LA Knight

Backstage Segment

Baron Corbin approaches Apollo Crews, who is having his head shaved. Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri walk in, and Otis shaves his midsection. This was an advertisement for Manscaped.

Video: WWE Women’s Championship

WWE Women’s Championship
Nia Jax vs. Bayley (c)

Nia Jax won this title opportunity by winning the Queen of the Ring Tournament.

The bell rings, and Bayley starts attacking Jax with strikes. The 2024 Queen of the Ring quickly cuts her off, but Bayley knocks her into the ropes and twists the arm on the ropes. Jax fights back with a powerbomb attempt, but Bayley counters with a jawbreaker. Bayley charges, but Jax flattens her with a Samoan Drop. Jax knocks her to the ropes and drives her into the bottom rope before throwing her across the ring. Jax drops an elbow and talks a little trash before smacking her on the rear end. Jax chokes her on the bottom rope. Bayley kicks Jax back, but Jax shoves her to the corner and clubs her down. Jax then hits Bayley with the Stink Face. Jax applies a Cobra Clutch in the center of the ring. Bayley manages to power out with a back suplex! Jax gets to her feet and flapjacks Bayley on the top rope. Bayley quickly rebounds and takes Jax down with a running forearm.

Jax gets up and approaches Bayley, but Bayley pulls her out of the ring. Jax quickly takes Bayley down and goes for a leg drop on the apron, but Bayley moves. Bayley knocks Jax into the barricade before coming off the steel steps with a Thesz Press. Bayley punches away at her before putting her in the ring. Bayley heads to the top rope, but Jax sweeps the feet. Jax pulls her off the top rope for a delayed vertical suplex, but Bayley counters into a guillotine, the move she used to defeat Jax at NXT TakeOver: London. Jax fights out, hits a rolling senton, and follows up with a leg drop for a near fall.

Jax goes to the second rope and goes for a diving leg drop, but Bayley moves. Bayley connects with Bayley-to-Belly for a near fall. Bayley goes for a Rose Plant, but Jax fights out. Jax goes for a slam, but Bayley fights out. Jax quickly flattens her with a uranage. Jax drags her to the corner and goes to the second rope for an Annihilator. Jax crushes her with the Annihilator! 1… 2… Bayley somehow kicks out! Jax is in absolute disbelief.

An irate Jax bounces Bayley’s head off the mat a few times. Jax continues to attack her and slings her to the corner. Jax says, “I’m so reckless. I’m so clumsy, right?” Jax clubs away at her in the corner and backs up. Jax charges, but Bayley moves, and Jax hits the ring post shoulder-first. That’s four matches in a row with this spot. Jax rolls out of the ring to recover. Bayley goes for a suicide dive, but Jax catches her and KILLS her with a Samoan Drop on the floor! Jax gets Bayley in the ring and avalanches her in the corner. Jax smashes her in the face with a running hip attack. Jax heads to the second rope for an Annihilator, but Bayley pops up and attacks her. Bayley lifts Jax and walks to the center of the ring with her on her shoulders before dropping her with a powerbomb! The crowd is going wild. Bayley heads to the top rope and hits a diving elbow drop! 1… 2… Jax barely kicks out!


The crowd goes crazy as Miss Money in the Bank Tiffany Stratton runs down to the ring with a referee in tow. Stratton gets on the apron, but Bayley punches her down. Jax goes to attack Bayley, but Bayley takes her down for a two-count. Bayley hits a running kick to the face and charges, but Jax crushes her with a powerbomb. Jax hits another vicious powerbomb. Jax goes to the second rope and hits an Annihilator, but she pops up and hits a second Annihilator for the win!

Winner by Pinfall and new WWE Women’s Champion: Nia Jax

Queen Jax celebrates her WWE Women’s Championship. Tiffany Stratton also celebrates with Jax, showing that this was the plan all along. Jax goes to ringside and embraces her family.

Video: CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk

Special Guest Referee: Seth “Freakin” Rollins

This will be CM Punk’s first televised singles match on WWE television. His last match was on WWE Raw on January 20, 2014, against Billy Gunn. Punk won that match. The next week, Punk would walk out of WWE, poetically right in Cleveland. Punk would be gone from the company for nearly a decade before returning at Survivor Series: WarGames in 2023.

Punk throws his sweatshirt at Rollins, who is serving as the Special Guest Referee. Rollins rubs it on his rear end before throwing it out of the ring. Rollins talks to both Punk and McIntyre before signaling for the bell to start the match. Punk and McIntyre start brawling in the center of the ring to a big ovation. Punk gets McIntyre in the corner and punches him down before stomping away at him. Rollins backs Punk up and gets in his face. McIntyre stuns Punk with a forearm to the face and punches him down in the corner before stomping away at him. Rollins pulls McIntyre off and admonishes him. Punk boots McIntyre back and comes off the second rope with a diving clothesline. Punk mounts McIntyre and punches away at him before McIntyre shoves him off. McIntyre connects with a throat thrust before chopping the chest. McIntyre punches him and hits the ropes, but Punk follows him and clotheslines him over the top rope. Punk comes off the apron with a diving clothesline on the floor.

A “CM Punk” chant picks up. Punk bounces McIntyre’s head off the ring post. McIntyre shoves him away and charges, but Punk sends him into the timekeeper’s area. Samantha Irvin gets out of the way as Punk comes off the barricade with a forearm to the face. Punk punches McIntyre around ringside and knocks him into the steel steps. Punk smashes McIntyre’s head against the steel steps a few times. Rollins lies across the top turnbuckle and lets this fight happen. Punk gets on the apron, but McIntyre sweeps the feet. McIntyre lifts him and slings Punk twice into the commentary table. McIntyre chops Punk and punches him down. McIntyre gets Punk under the ring and gives him a catapult into the steel trellis of the ring! Rollins, the referee, is pleased and laughs about this.

McIntyre rolls Punk into the ring and chops him down. He grabs him and hits a snap suplex for a no-count. Rollins taunts McIntyre and says that McIntyre said he would kill Punk. Rollins wants more from this match. McIntyre stomps away at Punk. Punk fights back, but McIntyre chops him back down. McIntyre backs him into the corner and connects with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for a no-count. McIntyre pulls Punk to his feet and slaps him in the face. Punk responds with a slap and does a strike combo. Punk goes for a running knee in the corner, but McIntyre counters into a powerbomb for a one-count. McIntyre is frustrated with how quickly Punk has been kicking out. McIntyre slams him with a sit-out powerbomb and finally picks up a two-count. McIntyre gets in Rollins’ face. Rollins says he doesn’t like Punk, but he kicked out.

McIntyre goes to ringside and grabs a steel chair. Rollins looks at McIntyre, but he doesn’t take the chair away. McIntyre tells Rollins to let it happen. Rollins turns his back on this. McIntyre goes to hit Punk with the chair, but Rollins shows he has a conscience and takes the chair away. Rollins argues with McIntyre. McIntyre shoves him, so Rollins charges with the chair and nearly hits Punk before putting the brakes on. Rollins throws the chair out of the ring. As he’s doing that, Punk has McIntyre rolled up. Rollins sees it too late, and McIntyre kicks out. Punk had him pinned for a while. McIntyre hits Punk with a swinging neckbreaker and kips up. McIntyre goes into his trunks and pulls out the bracelet with Punk’s wife and dog’s names on it. McIntyre puts it on and goes for a Claymore Kick, but Punk kicks him down. Punk then drops him with a swinging neckbreaker.

Punk gets to his feet and hits McIntyre with a running knee in the corner. Punk backs up and hits a second running knee to the face. Punk backs up and hits it a third time before hitting a clothesline. Punk heads to the top rope for a diving elbow drop. Punk covers for a near fall. Punk quickly transitions into an Anaconda Vice attempt. McIntyre fights it, but Punk eventually locks it in. As he applies the hold, Punk pulls his bracelet off McIntyre’s wrist. Punk picks it up and turns into a Claymore Kick! McIntyre covers for a near fall!

A “CM Punk” chant picks up. McIntyre kneels in the ring and looks frustrated. He paces around before pulling Punk up. McIntyre goes for a Future Shock DDT, the move he used to injure Punk at the Royal Rumble. Punk fights out and sidesteps him to send McIntyre shoulder-first into the ring post. That’s the fifth match in a row with that spot. Punk signals for the Go To Sleep. Punk lifts McIntyre before dropping him when he sees Rollins wearing his bracelet. Rollins defends himself as Punk approaches him. McIntyre attacks Punk from behind and knocks him into Rollins. Rollins is knocked out of the ring. McIntyre goes for a Future Shock DDT, but Punk counters out and hits the GTS! 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… Rollins is still out of the ring. Rollins finally gets in and starts counting: 1… 2… McIntyre kicks out!

Punk says Rollins is as good a referee as he is a wrestler. Punk gets in Rollins’ face and yells at him. Rollins argues that he is the referee and that this is his company. No one wants Punk here. It’s not all about him, according to Rollins. Punk grabs Rollins and gives him the GTS! Punk rolls him over and says, “It ain’t always about me, but it’s never about you.” Punk takes his bracelet back and puts it on. McIntyre low-blows Punk and hits a Claymore Kick! McIntyre covers for a little while before Rollins comes to and counts the pin! 1… 2… 3!

Winner by Pinfall: Drew McIntyre

McIntyre looks completely vindicated. The commentators talk about how Punk’s rage cost him this match. McIntyre takes the bracelet back and puts it on. McIntyre poses and puts a foot on Punk’s chest.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest is preparing for his match when World Tag Team Champion Finn Bálor walks in. Bálor says they looked for “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, but they couldn’t find him. Priest says Mysterio probably left. Priest apologizes for his actions earlier tonight. They make up. Bálor says he knows Priest doesn’t want him out there, but he’ll be here if he changes his mind. They bump fists, and Priest leaves.

Video: World Heavyweight Championship

World Heavyweight Championship
“The Ring General” Gunther vs. Damian Priest (c)

Gunther won this title opportunity by winning the King of the Ring Tournament.

The bell rings, and Gunther charges, but Priest rocks him with a forearm to the face. Priest punches away at Gunther in the corner. Gunther fights out, but Priest punches him back to the corner and hits a running back elbow. Priest goes for South of Heaven, but Gunther fights out with some uppercuts. Priest takes him down with a flatliner, and Gunther rolls out of the ring to recover. Priest goes to ringside and leaps off the steel steps with a diving clothesline. Priest grabs Gunther, but Gunther shoves him into the ring post before hitting a back suplex onto the apron. Gunther shoves him into the ring apron and viciously chops the chest.

Gunther gets in the ring and elbows Priest in the head as he reenters. Gunther connects with a scoop slam. Priest starts knocking Gunther back and boxes the ears. Gunther fights out of a suplex attempt and chops the chest. Gunther connects with a butterfly suplex for a one-count.

Refresh for the latest results.

Quick Match Results

— Liv Morgan (c) def. Rhea Ripley to retain the Women’s World Championship
— Bron Breakker def. Sami Zayn (c) to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship
— LA Knight def. “The Maverick” Logan Paul (c) to win the United States Championship
— Nia Jax def. Bayley (c) to win the WWE Women’s Championship
— Drew McIntyre def. CM Punk (Special Guest Referee: Seth “Freakin” Rollins)

Still to Come

Undisputed WWE Championship
Bloodline Rules Match

Solo Sikoa vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (c)


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