4 Essential Steps to Improve Cloud Security with the Right Platform

Cloud computing is quickly changing how businesses operate – the speed of innovation, scalability, and integration are just a few of the benefits of cloud computing.

However, it requires more than just hooking up an internet connection to get started with cloud services. It also requires proper security to protect your information assets without sacrificing performance.

One of the biggest concerns for businesses regarding cloud security is data loss. When your data is stored in the cloud, you need to be sure that it’s safe and secure. And while cloud providers take many precautions to protect your data, you still need to do your part to ensure its safety.

You can learn more about cloud security platforms for added protection.

Here are a few steps you can take to stay in control of your cloud security while still benefiting from the advantages that the cloud has to offer.

1. Identify Your Data

The first step in achieving adequate cloud security starts with knowing what data is stored on your system. If you don’t know where all your data is, how do you ensure that it’s being adequately protected?

It’s essential to map out your data and understand its location and movement. This way, you can begin to identify which data is most at risk and develop specific security protocols for that information.

2. Implement a Security Plan

Misconfiguration of the cloud database is one of the top reasons for a data breach in cloud computing.

Once you’re aware of all the data stored on your cloud services, you can begin to implement a security plan. The plan should include all the physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to protect data throughout its life cycle.

You should ensure that everyone knows how they are expected to report security incidents and breaches within your organization. And, finally, you need to have a plan for responding to incidents when they occur.

3. Use the Right Cloud Security Platform

Not all cloud security platforms are created equal. To ensure that your critical data is adequately protected, you need to use a platform that has been specifically designed for the cloud.

Some of the features you should look for in a cloud security platform include:

  • Compliance: The ability to ensure that your service meets regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and NIST 800-53. Ensure that your provider is either compliant or can prove a solid commitment to achieving compliance.
  • Automation: A fully automated solution will help to reduce the amount of time and effort required to maintain your security posture.
  • Threat Intelligence: It helps to receive real-time updates on the latest threats and how they might impact your organization.
  • Integration: It integrates with your existing infrastructure, including your firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other security tools.
  • Flexibility: It can easily switch between providers without having to adjust your security controls for each provider.

If you use a cloud provider for your storage, you will need to ensure that the security tools they provide give you the functionality and protection you need while making it easy for you to manage access.

4. Understand Access Controls

Once your data is secure, it’s essential to understand how to manage access.

One of the most prominent mistakes organizations make with cloud computing is allowing too many people access. It can decrease security and can also create a lot of wasted effort and inconvenience for all parties involved.

Therefore, it’s important to establish roles and responsibilities so that everyone knows what they need to do to keep the data secure.

Keep Supplies in Check

Cloud computing is changing how businesses operate, and it’s essential to keep up with these changes so you can see the benefits while protecting your data.

However, this requires more than just having the right management tools – it also requires flexibility on your part to adapt when necessary.

Train Your Staff

Your staff is your first line of defense against data breaches, and it’s essential to train them on how to protect your information correctly.

You should make sure they are familiar with your security plan and the tools they will be using. They should also be aware of the dangers of phishing and other social engineering attacks.

Stay Vigilant

Even if your security plan is good, you can’t afford to relax. Security is a constantly evolving process, and you need to be prepared to adapt as new threats arise.

Hackers try to come up with new ways to counter your security measures, so you should make sure you are regularly reviewing your security measures and updating them as needed.

The cloud offers many advantages to businesses, but it’s important to remember that security is still a vitally important part of using these services.

By following these steps, you can stay in control of your cloud security while taking advantage of all the benefits the cloud has to offer.



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